All entries by this author

Old Red

Feb 20th, 2005 8:32 pm | By

The promised more on Janet Browne’s Darwin biography. A couple of sentences down on the same page (page 141, to be exact):

And when Sedgwick arrived he tried to entertain him in an appropriately geological fashion by telling him of the gravel pits near Shrewsbury. But Darwin’s story of the labourer who found a tropical shell in the gravel brought only a peal of laughter and the remark that this could not be true. If the shell were genuinely embedded there, said Sedgwick, it would overthrow everything that was known about the superficial deposits of the Midland counties…Recounting the story later, Darwin remembered being astonished that Sedgwick was not more delighted by his strange fact. ‘Nothing before had ever made

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What Summers Said *

Feb 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Don’t you wish you’d been there?… Read the rest

Another Church, Another Sex Scandal *

Feb 20th, 2005 | Filed by

What do you expect from people accountable only to a supernatural being?… Read the rest

Malraux et la Gloire *

Feb 20th, 2005 | Filed by

Writer, action hero, politician, world-class fantasist. … Read the rest


Feb 19th, 2005 10:07 pm | By

Time to say a few words in praise of lateral reading. I’m a great fan of lateral reading – not just via links but also in books. You know how that goes – you read an essay which sends you to a book which sends you to two more books and you find connections you didn’t know about. This is why (at last it can be revealed) I know absolutely nothing about anything in any depth: because I read laterally rather than vertically. I’ve never read an entire book from beginning to end in my life, but I’ve read two pages of a million or so. But never mind – I comfort myself with Johnson’s retort when Elphinston said ‘What, … Read the rest

History Can Get Buried and Forgotten *

Feb 19th, 2005 | Filed by

The Tulsa riot almost did.… Read the rest

Women in Science Feel Underencouraged *

Feb 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Many scientists consider encouragement a major factor in seeking promotion.… Read the rest

Bloggers: Truth-tellers or Vigilantes? *

Feb 19th, 2005 | Filed by

Mainstream media clueless? Bloggers a pseudo-journalist lynch mob?… Read the rest

James Buchan Reviews Book on Al-Jazeera *

Feb 18th, 2005 | Filed by

If honour trumps liberty and comfort, al-Jazeera may be less a force for democracy than for Arab nationalism.… Read the rest

Getting to Auschwitz Punctually *

Feb 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Deborah Lipstadt on the surrealism, embarrassment, cold, and memories at the death camp.… Read the rest

Confronting a Fashionable View of Empire *

Feb 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Now widely asserted that British public culture was deeply ‘imperialized,’ but was it?… Read the rest

The Victorians and Shakespeare *

Feb 18th, 2005 | Filed by

Crucial question: who owned Shakespeare, the elite or the people?… Read the rest

Why E P Thompson Mattered and Matters *

Feb 18th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Political loyalties and antipathies were always central to his reception.’… Read the rest

Circling Skeptics

Feb 17th, 2005 6:17 pm | By

The second meeting of the Skeptics’ Circle has taken place at Orac’s site. The first, at St. Nates’, was two weeks ago. And the archive site with schedule of future meetings is here. As St. Nate said –

But we are not content to rest on our laurels! I want this Circle to endure and to keep getting better and more popular. I want to expand our membership! The blogosphere still remains a cesspool of the paranormal, pseudoscience, and quackery! We’ve had one success–a good start–but we must not let up now!

Go, Skeptics! (Also skeptics – you go too.)… Read the rest

Is Sectarianism a Myth or a Problem? *

Feb 17th, 2005 | Filed by

And do Rangers and Celtics games defuse tensions or stoke them?… Read the rest

Fun in Florida *

Feb 17th, 2005 | Filed by

With those zany folks who believe in ‘the Rapture’.… Read the rest

Deity Makes Hash of 10 Cmndmts, Needs Help *

Feb 17th, 2005 | Filed by

Enjoy life. Don’t steal. Don’t hog the remote. Work out every day.… Read the rest

The New Big Twenty

Feb 17th, 2005 4:09 am | By

So, they’re making up a new Ten or rather Twenty Commandments, eh. Without the participation of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Well you can’t blame him, can you. Much as his job’s worth, probably, trying that on. Would be kind of like Charles suddenly up and throwing out all the ermine and gold carriages and sceptres and whatnot and drawing up a new plan of action. All these huge houses bursting with Rembrandts and Rollses and gewgaws to be turned into community centres. All Royals to get jobs as maintenance workers in housing estates or driving buses. Parliament henceforth to be opened by Sandra ‘Doc’ Tudge of 47 Ribena Lane, Kidderminster. Factories, hospitals, bridges and suchlike to be opened by … Read the rest

Life Slowly Improving for Women in Afghanistan *

Feb 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Millions of women and girls have returned to work and school since fall of Taliban.… Read the rest

Does ‘Spiritual Healing’ Work? *

Feb 16th, 2005 | Filed by

Well, the ‘healing energy’ is elusive, but the placebo effect is solid.… Read the rest