All entries by this author

A Critical View of van Gogh in Index on Censorship *

Nov 5th, 2004 | Filed by

Rohan Jayasekera says van Gogh’s work was abuse of his right to free speech.… Read the rest

British v French Enlightenment *

Nov 5th, 2004 | Filed by

McLemee on Himmelfarb’s ‘sociology of virtue.’… Read the rest

Jonathan Derbyshire Reviews Silly Atheism Book *

Nov 5th, 2004 | Filed by

Alister McGrath makes his case by mischaracterising atheism.… Read the rest

Being a Woman in Afghanistan *

Nov 5th, 2004 | Filed by

It takes some nerve.… Read the rest

A Mistake in Arendt Biography Gets Repeated *

Nov 5th, 2004 | Filed by

Edward Said repeated Young-Bruehl’s error in article, later reprinted, despite her correction.… Read the rest

Another Murder Committed by Political Islam

Nov 5th, 2004 | By Azar Majedi

Yesterday Theo van Gogh, a journalist and a filmmaker, was brutally murdered in Amsterdam, Netherlands. He was murdered because he cared and dared to expose the inherent misogynism in and the brutal nature of Islam. An act, which sadly, nowadays calls for great courage, due to advancements of political Islam and the rise in religion’s influence in the society. He was murdered by political Islam, a reactionary movement that resorts to intimidation and terror as its main tools for gaining power and achieving its goals. This is not the first crime committed by this movement as a way to silence the critics of Islam and Islamists, and if we do not stand against it, it will not be the last. … Read the rest


Nov 5th, 2004 1:06 am | By

And now that we’ve given the charitable reading room to breathe, let’s take it back again. Let’s say the hell with the charitable reading – it can hold its breath. Because the problem with the possible feelings of superiority thing (besides the ones I’ve already mentioned) is that it just isn’t necessarily true, and it’s destructive (and often hostile and unkind) to assume that it is. Sure, it’s always possible that The Subject likes [Shakespeare/Bach/Whatever] for invidious reasons, just as it’s always possible that The Subject does anything for invidious reasons, but that’s not quite good grounds for assuming that she does. What the feelings of superiority explanation overlooks is the possibility that The Subject just really does like [Shakespeare/Bach/Whatever] … Read the rest

Breathing Room

Nov 4th, 2004 4:32 pm | By

Okay, first, to be fair, let’s try to make a case for anti-‘elitism’. Let’s try to figure out if people who stake out claims to the anti-elitist moral high ground have any good reasons for such claims – let’s try to figure out if there is anything going on here besides one-upsmanship and a paradoxical (not to say ironic) kind of elitism via reverse-elitism. (It is kind of funny from that point of view. It can be seen as nothing but an endless silly regress. ‘You’re an elitist and I’m not, therefore I’m better so I’m in the elite and you’re not…um…wait…’) Let’s try to do the charitable reading thing, just this once.

The moral core of the idea seems … Read the rest

Anti-gay Singer’s Tour Cancelled *

Nov 4th, 2004 | Filed by

The British tour by Jamaican star Sizzla has been called off after protests that his music would incite attacks on gay men.… Read the rest

Challenging Islam is Risky *

Nov 4th, 2004 | Filed by

Says Irshad Manji, speaking from experience.… Read the rest


Nov 3rd, 2004 9:54 pm | By

I’m just going to ignore it. That’s okay isn’t it? Just pretend it’s not there. Or at least that I don’t particularly have to talk about it. I mean, what is there to say, and everybody else is already saying it anyway. I don’t have to chime in. (It’s not even just the politics. It’s more basic. It’s the thing about minimal competence. It’s like having a choice between a grown-up and a not very bright child to do a difficult job – designing a bridge, doing research into a new killer virus, figuring out how to get cookies right-side-up on a plate, that kind of thing – and choosing the child.) I don’t have to chime in so I’m … Read the rest

The Myth of Infant Determinism *

Nov 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

The idea that the first three years of our lives make us who we are is scientifically unsound, argues Helene Guldberg.… Read the rest

Ban Homophobic Singer *

Nov 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

Gay rights campaigners want police to ban a controversial Jamaican reggae artist from appearing in Britain.… Read the rest

Californians Approve Stem Cell Funding *

Nov 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

Californians pass Proposition 71, a $3 billion bond measure to raise money for stem cell research.… Read the rest

Dutch ‘Anti-Islam’ Film Maker Murdered *

Nov 3rd, 2004 | Filed by

Theo van Gogh made film that criticised Islam’s treatment of women. … Read the rest


Nov 3rd, 2004 3:43 am | By

Yo, I’m back! Out of the outhouse, into the inhouse, back at the desk, back to work. I’ve left the bright lights and whirling crowds of Bedford Square for the quiet backwater of Seattle. I came in, dropped all my cases and bags and excess sweatshirts in the middle of the living room, grabbed a water bottle, and rushed out to vote. Saw a friend on the way in; did not have to stand in line; saw another friend on the way out. You see what a quiet backwater it is. That wouldn’t happen in Bedford Square.

Ohio. Pennsylvania. Michigan. Florida. Well, we’ll see. I don’t dare let myself think about how I long to be rid of Bush.

More … Read the rest

The Arctic is Melting *

Nov 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

But no consensus as to appropriate response.… Read the rest

Probe into ‘Murder Music’ *

Nov 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

Police have launched an investigation into anti-gay reggae lyrics after the homophobic killing of a man in London.… Read the rest

Gene Screening Controversy *

Nov 2nd, 2004 | Filed by

Not really a surprise.… Read the rest

Darwin’s Greatest Challenge Tackled *

Nov 1st, 2004 | Filed by

Researchers provide concrete evidence about how the human eye evolved.… Read the rest