All entries by this author

Things Are Against Us

Jun 2nd, 2005 8:27 pm | By

Oh dear – that’s one of the best laughs I’ve had in – well, a few hours, anyway. It was the surprise, partly. You know how a surprise can yank a loud sudden blurt of laughter out of you without your consciously intending it. It was that kind.

What, what, you eagerly cry, tell us so that we can laugh too. It was just a letter on the Letters page about my silly parodic wall article, which said ‘This is one of the silliest things I have ever read.’ Well good! That was the idea, so I’m delighted he thinks so! Mind you, he seems to have missed the fact that the silliness was intentional, but that’s all right – … Read the rest

Ability to Force Bibles on Ill People Threatened *

Jun 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

It’s outrageous, political correctness gone mad, Gideon pest exclaims.… Read the rest

Full Transcript of Hitchens Brothers *

Jun 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Much longer.… Read the rest

Why Intelligent Design Isn’t *

Jun 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Biologist Allen Orr on Behe and Dembski.… Read the rest

Smithsonian Disavows ‘Intelligent Design’ *

Jun 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

James Randi and science blogs asked questions.… Read the rest

John Mullan on Raymond Williams *

Jun 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

He was arguing with what he took ‘to be the official English culture.’… Read the rest

Cult Studs Textbooks Reviewed *

Jun 2nd, 2005 | Filed by

Cultural studies often called academic in-joke irrelevant to anyone else.… Read the rest

No Exit

Jun 2nd, 2005 12:01 am | By

And speaking of writing and thinking – as we so often are, one way or another – here is a good article on the subject. Unfortunate that it was first published in the Weekly Standard, but sometimes things fall out that way. It is republished in Theory’s Empire.

…bad academic writing nowadays has become something worse than an aesthetic offense…Academic writing in our own time, however, exhibits a disregard, not merely for style, but for truth. Once upon a time, no matter how badly they wrote, scholars imagined that they were contributing to knowledge. But no longer. Much of the scholarship now published in the humanities—primarily in English and comparative literature, but increasingly in history, musicology, art history,

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Surely Two Choices is Enough

Jun 1st, 2005 11:08 pm | By

Let’s test our writing skills, shall we? Let’s write an essay on one of these questions:

“Is it more important to follow the rules exactly or to base your actions on how other people may be affected?”

”Are people motivated to achieve by personal satisfaction rather than by money or fame?”

Okay let’s not. Let’s instead curl a lip at the stupid impoverished vacuous questions, and do something else instead. For instance we could wonder why those are the only possibilities on offer, and why the terms are so undefined, in fact meaningless. ‘More important’ – to whom, when, where, in what context? What ‘rules’? Rules pertaining to what? Football? Taking an aptitude test? Morality? If the latter, what rules … Read the rest

New SAT Question Relies on False Dichotomies *

Jun 1st, 2005 | Filed by

Best strategy is to accept facile premise then try to sell it.… Read the rest

Homosexuality Taboo Throughout Moslem World *

Jun 1st, 2005 | Filed by

On the West Bank and Gaza gays face imprisonment and torture.… Read the rest

Why Could Democrats Not Save the Estate Tax? *

Jun 1st, 2005 | Filed by

Because they kept moving the goalposts rightwards.… Read the rest

Why Did Dickens and Andersen Friendship Sour? *

Jun 1st, 2005 | Filed by

Probably because Andersen kept eating all the toast.… Read the rest

Hitchens, Greer on Start the Week [audio] *

Jun 1st, 2005 | Filed by

Hitchens talks of Galloway and LFIQ debate.… Read the rest

Aftermath of AUT Boycott Vote *

Jun 1st, 2005 | Filed by

Sue Blackwell and Steven Rose say fight is not over.… Read the rest

Frat Boys

Jun 1st, 2005 1:40 am | By

We’ve been discussing the personal argumenative habits of Hitchens in comments lately, so this seems like a highly relevant item. Also hilarious, also interesting. I mean to say – if he takes such obvious pleasure in publicly fighting with his brother, it’s hardly surprising that he fights with other people too, is it. My only claim is that whatever rude remarks he makes at the dinner table, they’re not likely to be secret or underhanded – on the contrary, the chances are excellent that he’s just made them on tv or in the Guardian, and will do it again but with more embellishments tomorrow.

His brother knows that, at least, even if not everyone else does:

You should have

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I Already Knew That

Jun 1st, 2005 12:10 am | By

Well, yes. To say the least. And about time too.

With the publication of his fifth collection of essays, it is time to acknowledge that Christopher Hitchens, as well as an exceptional political polemicist, is also one of the best literary and cultural critics of the past 20 years…It is time to take Christopher Hitchens seriously.

Well past time, actually. To pick just one example among many, one we have mentioned recently, he makes Joseph Epstein look a very pale flat unsparkling essayist indeed. He puts a good many overpraised current essayists in the shade. So well done David Herman for saying so. Some dreary enforcer shouted at Amardeep Singh for daring to say a good word for Hitchens Read the rest

Yank Tourists Asking Stupid Questions in Abbey *

May 31st, 2005 | Filed by

Information sheets correct factual errors in DaVinci Code.… Read the rest

Catholic Church Urges Magic on Students *

May 31st, 2005 | Filed by

Asks them to wear wristbands calling on dead pope John Paul II to help with exams. … Read the rest

Hitchens Brothers Go At It *

May 31st, 2005 | Filed by

Peter talks bollocks about religion, Christopher doesn’t.… Read the rest