All entries by this author

Blame Beethoven *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Beethoven turned to narcissistic focus on composer’s own tortured soul.… Read the rest

Slightly Woolly Review of Michael Shermer Book *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Woolly about Tierney book, ‘evenhandedness,’ but worth a read.… Read the rest

Racial and Religious Hatred Bill *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

‘For “racial hatred” substitute “racial or religious hatred”.’… Read the rest

Yes, That’s the Problem *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

‘Line in the sand which indicates to people a line beyond which they cannot go.’… Read the rest

Polly Toynbee on Religious Hatred Bill *

Jun 10th, 2005 | Filed by

Enlightenment values under growing threat from collective softening of the brain.… Read the rest

Not Contempt but Outrage

Jun 9th, 2005 8:18 pm | By

Norm has a post on religion and Hitchens and the vexed subject of ‘contempt for religious believers and what they believe’ that I have – however reluctantly! however ashen with misgivings, trembling with nerves, tottering with distress, quaking with anxiety, keening with regret – disagreed with him about in the past.

It might be suggested on Hitch’s behalf that, whether it meets such needs or not, because religious belief isn’t substantively true, all it merits is contempt from atheists and humanists; and its adherents, likewise, only deserve disrespect in one or another mode. But that religion isn’t true cannot be a sufficient reason for this; it is quite standard in democratic and pluralist societies to disagree in a tolerant

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Students Assault Academics *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

Problem more widespread than previous research had shown. … Read the rest

Religious Hatred Law *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

More mischief-making claims predicted.

External Resources

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Mugabe’s ‘Urban Clean-up’ Continues *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

‘People disappear and you don’t know what happened to them all.’… Read the rest

Radio 4 on John Mack and ‘Alien Abduction’ *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

The stupidest, most credulous half hour you’ll ever listen to.… Read the rest

The Difficulties of Being a Mitigated Sceptic *

Jun 9th, 2005 | Filed by

Degrees of doubt and questioning don’t work with sound bites.… Read the rest

On Being a Mitigated Sceptic

Jun 9th, 2005 | By Philip Stott

To be a sceptic is a difficult and dangerous business. To be what the philosopher, David Hume, called a “mitigated”, or moderate, sceptic is, in addition, deeply frustrating. In the first case, sceptics are seen as enemies of ”religion”; in the second, the moderate sceptic is constantly misunderstood, because one is dealing with carefully-modulated degrees of questioning and doubt that do not conform easily to the modern world of sound bites, shallow interviews, and pressure-group action. The media inevitably favour the religious fanatic who can encapsulate into a single sound bite simple articles of unquestioned faith that mesh readily with the prevailing public mood, which they themselves so often – too often – share.

In the UK, ”global warming” is … Read the rest

Professor Carey Will Have His Fun *

Jun 8th, 2005 | Filed by

Is art merely a way for people to show off? Or is there more to it than that?… Read the rest

Alan Ryan on Harvard and its Rivals *

Jun 8th, 2005 | Filed by

Harvard view of MIT: a hangout for nerds and social inadequates. … Read the rest

All Shall Have Prizes *

Jun 8th, 2005 | Filed by

University is a consumer product and teachers are servants.… Read the rest

Heidegger, Hölderlin, and the Ister *

Jun 8th, 2005 | Filed by

Film is reinvigorating a conversation among philosophers.… Read the rest

Greatest Philosopher Shortlist – Vote Now *

Jun 8th, 2005 | Filed by

Hume, Mill, Spinoza, Marx, Nietzsche, Wittgenstein, Aristotle, Plato?… Read the rest

Full Disclosure

Jun 8th, 2005 2:33 am | By

All right, we’ve made this separation; we’ve put the veracity or epistemic question on one side of the line, and the consequentialist question on the other. We’ve further said that the epistemic question comes first: that is, that for the sake of clarity, it ought to. So then what happens on the other side of the line? How does that discussion go?

One way it goes is to say that even if there is no good reason to think religion is true (unless religion is defined so thinly that it bears no resemblance to what most people mean by the word), it still doesn’t do to say so, because saying so would (to put it somewhat hyperbolically, as people occasionally … Read the rest

Marx is not Buried Under All That Rubble *

Jun 7th, 2005 | Filed by

Francis Wheen on Marx’s metaphoric but piercing accuracy about the beast.… Read the rest

Religion in the US *

Jun 7th, 2005 | Filed by

Enthusiasm for influence of ‘religious leaders’ greater than in other industrialized countries.… Read the rest