Colleague is convinced the killing was a careful attempt to stifle criticism of Islam. … Read the rest
All entries by this author
Review of Taner Edis’ Ghost in the Universe
Dec 5th, 2004 | By Phil MoleTaner Edis’ excellent book The Ghost in the Universe comes to us at a rather unique period for writing about science and religion. Never before have so many books tried to analyze the relationship between theological and scientific views of the world, and never before have so many utterly failed in the attempt. Often, writers distort something essential about both disciplines, and ignore the complexities at the heart of their relationship. Thus, although the bookshelves groan under the weight of volumes contributing to the debate, clear-minded analyses of the fundamental issues are harder than ever to find.
To better understand the achievements of Edis’ book, we should quickly survey some of the competing contributions. We find many theistic writers enlisting … Read the rest
Who Lives Happily?
Dec 4th, 2004 6:22 pm | By Ophelia BensonHere we go again, again, again. It’s odd that this argument never seems to do any work, it just keeps recurring. It’s like listening to someone with a car stuck in the snow late at night, somewhere far down the hill – you just hear that rrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrrrrr, rrrrrrrrr over and over, as the wheels spin and never bite.
Chris at Crooked Timber links to an article in the Financial Times (by far the best he’s read on the subject, he says) on the anti-Muslim backlash in the Netherlands after the Van Gogh murder. All eager for the treat, I hastened to begin reading. Alas, one problem with the article leapt out at me in the first paragraph, and … Read the rest
Jesus Diet, Homeopathy, Same Thing
Dec 4th, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNonsense is nonsense, whether evangelical or ‘alternative’.… Read the rest
Attempt to Censor Sequel to ‘Submission’
Dec 4th, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonTwo Muslim families in Netherlands launch suit to prevent sequel to film critical of Islam. … Read the rest
US Congress Cuts Science Funding
Dec 4th, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonLegislators earmarked more money for Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Punxsutawney Weather Museum.… Read the rest
Dec 3rd, 2004 8:53 pm | By Ophelia BensonHere’s the Economist getting into the act on the ‘US universities are leftist strongholds by a factor of 9 to 1’ issue, and like a lot of journalism that discusses the subject, leaving some important aspects out. At least I think so.
Evidence of the atypical uniformity of American universities grows by the week. The Centre for Responsive Politics notes that this year two universities—the University of California and Harvard—occupied first and second place in the list of donations to the Kerry campaign by employee groups, ahead of Time Warner, Goldman Sachs, Microsoft et al. Employees at both universities gave 19 times as much to John Kerry as to George Bush.
Yes but there might be reasons for that other … Read the rest
How Biased are US Universities?
Dec 3rd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonPolitical views don’t show up in the hard sciences and engineering.… Read the rest
Revolt Against Secularism in Europe?
Dec 3rd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonDefine secularism as ‘intolerant’ and half the battle is won.… Read the rest
University of Chicago Chronicle on Paul Ricoeur
Dec 3rd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonRicoeur influential in philosophy of religion, moral philosophy, and the theory of language, symbol and metaphor.… Read the rest
Revisiting Bad Writing
Dec 3rd, 2004 12:06 am | By Ophelia BensonI’ve been meaning to comment on Mark Bauerlein’s splendid article on ‘bad writing’ and ‘theory.’ I only have a few minutes right now, so I’ll just quote a little by way of marking my place and then return to the subject tomorrow.
The cheap partisan spirit reinforces the point made by Dutton, David G. Myers, Katha Pollitt, and others that the jargon and bloat of theory prose excludes every readership but other theorists—a damning claim given that the theorists purport to labor for social justice. The theorists counter that the writing they do isn’t bad; rather, it’s challenging, and that challengingness is precisely what makes it valuable to society at large.
Yup, that’s how the theorists counter all right. But … Read the rest
Idea Density
Dec 2nd, 2004 8:29 pm | By Ophelia BensonUpdate: A report on the nun study. It’s interesting.
Women who scored poorly on measures of cognitive ability as young adults were found to be at higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease and poor cognitive function in late life, according to a new report by researchers at the University of Kentucky. The ground-breaking study of nearly 100 nuns found that the complexity of the sisters’ writings as young women had a great deal to do with how they fared cognitively later in life. Of the nuns who died, 90 percent of those with Alzheimer’s disease confirmed at autopsy had low linguistic ability in early life, compared with only 13 percent in those without evidence of the disease.
And another.… Read the rest
The British Helsinki Human Rights Group
Dec 2nd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonJohn Laughland – defending Milosevic, criticising the Hague Tribunal, seeing bias against Yanukovich.… Read the rest
British Muslims Want Sharia in Civil Cases
Dec 2nd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonGuardian poll finds 88% of sample want time off for praying at school and work.… Read the rest
Mugabe Regime Expels Aid Agency
Dec 2nd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia Benson90,000 hungry Zimbabwean children lose only daily meal they could count on.… Read the rest
Silly Interview with Richard Dawkins
Dec 2nd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBrian Appleyard wrestles with an army of strawmen.… Read the rest
The Left is Supposed to Care About Positive Liberty
Dec 2nd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonBeing left alone is not much joy if you’re destitute.… Read the rest
Bloggers Jailed in Iran
Dec 2nd, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonNews websites also subject to repression.… Read the rest
Words, Words, Words
Dec 1st, 2004 10:35 pm | By Ophelia BensonI knew there was a reason. I knew it, I knew it. Right – the next time someone tells me I’m an elitist and pompous and pretentious and a show-off and generally horrible and intolerable, merely because I accidentally use a word that one might not find in a five-year-old’s vocabulary – the very next time, I say, I will have an answer ready. It’s because I don’t yet have Alzheimer’s. Surely that’s a good enough reason! Surely even the most dedicated warrior for populism will recognize that not (yet) having Alzheimer’s is quite a sensible reason to use words one was foolish and malevolent enough to pick up by accident at some point. Surely. I didn’t mean to do … Read the rest
New Humanist Contest
Dec 1st, 2004 | Filed by Ophelia BensonPrize: a copy of The Dictionary of Fashionable Nonsense. Deadline 13 December.… Read the rest