All entries by this author

Ineffable and Unknowable?

Apr 28th, 2004 8:02 pm | By

I was going to post this as a reply at Cliopatria, but then it went on a bit longer than I intended, and seemed (yet again) less anodyne than I feel I need to be on this subject in that location. Maybe I’m wrong to feel that way, but…I’m not convinced, and so far what people have said has just convinced me of the opposite. At any rate. Ralph said this in answer to a question about why say G_d –

As I suspect you know, there is a long tradition in Judaism of using g_d. It transliterates the Hebrew which has no vowels and it respects the unknowable, mysterious, ineffable qualities of ultimate reality. It isn’t a “naughty” word,

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New Sharia Laws in Nigerian State *

Apr 28th, 2004 | Filed by

Thieves have had amputations and several women sentenced to death in Zamfara.… Read the rest

Complexities of Twin Studies *

Apr 28th, 2004 | Filed by

Twins are useful for behavioral genetics, but underlying assumptions are debatable.… Read the rest

Why no G_d

Apr 27th, 2004 11:31 pm | By

Writing God as “G_d” isn’t just irritating because there isn’t a God, though that’s part of it. It is irritating because, in certain contexts, it is indicative of a casual assumption that religious belief is something which cannot cause offence. Why should it cause offence? Well, let’s skip over the whole horrors done in the name of Christianity thing, and also the whole religious right thing, and the whole Intelligent Design thing, etc. It’s got to do with double-standards. If I flaunt my atheism, or if Ophelia flaunts her atheism, then in certain contexts this is considered hostile, aggressive, bad mannered, etc. But it just doesn’t work the other way around. It doesn’t seem to occur to the religiously minded … Read the rest

Abandon Ship

Apr 27th, 2004 7:09 pm | By

It’s fundamental disagreement time. I disagree radically with a line of argument at Cliopatria, and what’s worse, the kind of argument it is makes it very difficult to dispute as directly and bluntly as I would like to – or as I would like to in one sense but would not like to in another. That’s exactly the problem. I may decide to leave Cliopatria as a result – because as it is, I seem to be semi-acquiescing in views that are anathema to me.

My politics are derived from my faith, not the other way around. When I was younger, and a secular liberal, my politics were the only faith I had! Since coming to Christ (and yes,

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Neurotechnology v. Cognitive Freedom *

Apr 27th, 2004 | Filed by

Drugs to erase or intensify memories, hypersonic sound that seems to be inside your head…… Read the rest

Plath Studies, Hughes Studies *

Apr 27th, 2004 | Filed by

‘Baking With Sylvia’? Er – no thanks.… Read the rest

Intersection of Interests

Apr 26th, 2004 5:50 pm | By

Amardeep Singh’s blog is full of interesting matter. He’s thinking about a lot of the same issues that B&W thinks about. This post from a few days ago for instance is about his shifting views on – his on-going struggle with – postmodernism and theory and theory-jargon.

I was trained at one of the centers of postmodernist thought — Duke — and for my entire professional career I’ve defined myself as a postmodernist, poststructuralist, and postcolonialist. Only lately I’ve found that these modes of thought have been distinctly unhelpful in dealing with the major topic I’ve been grappling with, namely secularism. Many humanities academics are privately skeptical of these theories, only they don’t say so because theory-jargon sounds so intimidating.

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Dawkins on Good Science Writing *

Apr 26th, 2004 | Filed by

Having something important to write about.… Read the rest

The Chronicle on Invisible Adjunct *

Apr 26th, 2004 | Filed by

The end of a popular blog prompts questions about the adademic system.… Read the rest

Nearly One Million March In Favour of Abortion Rights *

Apr 26th, 2004 | Filed by

Pro-choice campaigners flock to Washington.… Read the rest

Let Me Explain

Apr 25th, 2004 8:40 pm | By

Right, where are we. How much ground have we conceded and how much can we keep. We’ve admitted what we’ve always known and would admit when pressed: that aesthetic opinions are opinions, not facts. Very well. That’s the sum total of our concession, and I’m sure we can all remember conceding the same thing when we were fifteen and judging the contest between Austen and Bronte or the Beatles and the Stones or folky Dylan and rock Dylan (yes, thank you, I am a dinosaur, I told you that, I said on my birthday I was 175) or NWA and Eminem or whatever it may be. De gustibus non est disputandum. Fine. Granted. But we go on disputing just the … Read the rest

Who Has the Poster Stumps? *

Apr 25th, 2004 | Filed by

Why is the oppression of women so easy to ignore?… Read the rest

Everything Difficult is Labelled ‘Edgy’ *

Apr 25th, 2004 | Filed by

Nick Hornby likes music ‘packed with sunshine and hooks and harmonies and goodwill.’… Read the rest

The Move From Heart to Brain *

Apr 25th, 2004 | Filed by

Carl Zimmer’s Soul Made Flesh locates the transition in mid-17th-century Oxford.… Read the rest

Explanation of Explanation *

Apr 24th, 2004 | Filed by

Can anyone explain red, or consciousness, or quantum theory, or superstrings?… Read the rest

Harvard Secular Society Lecture *

Apr 24th, 2004 | Filed by

Steven Pinker says religion is a by-product of evolution, not an adaptation.… Read the rest

No, Dogs Are Not People in Fur Suits *

Apr 24th, 2004 | Filed by

No, really. They’re not.… Read the rest

Un blog passionnément casse-pied

Apr 24th, 2004 2:25 am | By

Okay, if you can’t stand to watch me preening and holding B&W up for the admiration of a goggling world, then skip this comment. But if a person can’t have a little harmless fun and self-congratulation once in awhile after toiling and slaving all week – well really. That’s all I can say. So I happened to find this very popular French site that just found B&W and is quite pleased with what it found. Sadly, the writer of the B&W-praise was so engrossed in her reading that she hurt her foot – that’s how absorbing we are. But that’s okay: if you don’t know French, you won’t have to read the compliments, because I’m not going to translate them … Read the rest

Sub-cosmic Reasons

Apr 23rd, 2004 8:58 pm | By

Very well. Fine. The convincing bugger has convinced us, not because he’s so convincing, but because our case is so hard – not to say impossible – to argue. I know that (she whined). I realize that, I understand that. But I also still say it doesn’t matter, at least not much. It’s still worth going on trying to make a case for the superiority of poetry over pushpin. Yes, that superiority is provisional and local – it’s a human superiority, not a superiority inscribed in the cosmos. It wouldn’t even convince other earthly mammals, let alone nameless entities in other galaxies. A giraffe would just think poetry is too short, and too close to the ground, and not spotted … Read the rest