All entries by this author

Celebrity Equals Entitlement *

Oct 10th, 2003 | Filed by

David Aaronovitch on what footballers and other athletes think of women.… Read the rest

How It’s Done *

Oct 10th, 2003 | Filed by

Add or omit quotation marks, call it ‘superweed’ or ‘wild hybrid’ – it all adds up.… Read the rest

Initiation into Rites of Belief *

Oct 9th, 2003 | Filed by

Erin O’Connor on Helena Echlin’s dysphoria as a graduate student at Yale.… Read the rest


Oct 8th, 2003 10:07 pm | By

One of the things that can make discussion so dull and claustrophobic is limiting it to just one set of frames: left and right. Not everything is about that. Not absolutely everything is political, and then even what is political doesn’t necessarily divide neatly into left and right.

One different frame, one that arranges and sorts things in a way quite different from the left-right docket, is anti-intellectualism. There is plenty of anti-intellectualism on the left as well as the right – and on the right as well as the left. Often they seem to compete with each other over who can raise the lip farthest to sneer at learning or rationality or critical thought.

For me this division often … Read the rest

Such a Good Idea

Oct 8th, 2003 7:47 pm | By

Well, perfect. Absolutely splendid. Good thinking. It’s such a boring unhip vieux jeu Enlightenment kind of idea, to think that people in high office ought to have something to recommend them beyond pure Name Recognition. How silly is that?! What else is there but name recognition?

No, of course. Obviously. Obviously having your picture taken a great many times in rapid succession is simply the ideal qualification for being, say, the president of the United States, the single most powerful human being on the planet, or the governor of California, a state larger than many important countries. After all, presidents and governors get their pictures taken a lot too, so there you are.

Yeah, come on, this is such a … Read the rest

The Public Library of Science *

Oct 8th, 2003 | Filed by

Scientific reasearch should be freely available.… Read the rest

A Carla Sandwich and Disgrace *

Oct 8th, 2003 | Filed by

John Sutherland recommends Coetzee, Roth and Prose novels for understanding of sexual harrassment.… Read the rest

Neil Postman Obituary *

Oct 8th, 2003 | Filed by

NYU media critic, author of Amusing Ourselves to Death and other influential books.… Read the rest

Market-Worship is Ideology Too *

Oct 8th, 2003 | Filed by

Ignoring the differences between government and business is ideology.… Read the rest


Oct 7th, 2003 8:42 pm | By

Our sermon for today is on the text

The religiosity of the recovery movement is evident in its rhetorical appeals to a higher power and in the evangelical fervor of its disciples. When I criticize the movement I am usually accused of being ‘in denial,’ as I might once have been accused of heresy.

That is from Wendy Kaminer’s examination of the ‘recovery’ and self-help movements, I’m Dysfunctional, You’re Dysfunctional. But the reaction she describes is typical of vastly more ‘movements’ and ideological systems than just the self-help variety. In fact it’s probably fairly difficult to find a ‘movement’ or ideology whose adherents don’t resort to that tactic. If someone criticises a set of ideas to which I am … Read the rest

Eagleton and Kermode *

Oct 7th, 2003 | Filed by

‘While Eagleton has always shouted his heresies, Frank Kermode has whispered his doubts.’… Read the rest

Critical Realism Replacing Postmodernism? *

Oct 7th, 2003 | Filed by

‘If postmodernism is indeed dead…Sokal and Bricmont have surely been instrumental in hastening the death-throes.’… Read the rest

How to Evaluate Evidence *

Oct 7th, 2003 | Filed by

Crooked Timber discusses evidence for and against global warming, and how hard it is to know the difference.… Read the rest

Toxins in Organic Maize *

Oct 7th, 2003 | Filed by

No agriculture is ‘natural’ but without it we’ll all starve to death, remember?… Read the rest

Sincerity is Not Enough

Oct 6th, 2003 5:28 pm | By

Alan Wolfe has a new book out, in which he apparently says something very silly.

As modern Americans with distinctly tolerant sensibilities, you pride yourselves on your willingness to change, yet religious believers, even the most conservative among them, have adopted themselves to modern society far more than you have changed your views about what they are really like. You have made the whole country more sensitive to the inequalities of race and gender. Now it is time to extend the same sympathy to those who are different in the sincerity of their belief.

Well, I for one don’t put ‘tolerance’ at the center of my politics or my belief system or whatever you want to call it, precisely because … Read the rest

You Mean Knowledge Can Be Useful? *

Oct 6th, 2003 | Filed by

Clever old Congress, firing those pesky scientists. Err – ooops.… Read the rest

Femininity, Phooey *

Oct 6th, 2003 | Filed by

Oh no, it’s gone! Well what a relief.… Read the rest

Fundamentalism in Pakistan *

Oct 6th, 2003 | Filed by

Creeping Talibanization apparent even in the universities.… Read the rest

Great Lowing Herds of Rebels

Oct 5th, 2003 9:38 pm | By

Erin O’Connor at Critical Timber continues to expand on her discussion of conformity in the humanities. There are new posts here and here.

This is a large, rich subject, and one that has been under discussion for quite a long time, for instance in the pages of the late lamented Lingua Franca. William Kerrigan has an excellent essay on his enchantment and then disenchantment with Derrida and ‘theory’ called ‘The Falls of Academe’ in Wild Orchids and Trotsky. David Lehman discusses the displacement of literature by literary ‘theory’ in Signs of the Times. Helena Echlin describes the misery of being a literature graduate student at Yale in this essay.

But my professors look at me as if

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It’s All So Much Funnier Now *

Oct 5th, 2003 | Filed by

Criticism has gone bonkers in the forty years between ‘The Pooh Perplex’ and ‘Postmodern Pooh.’… Read the rest