Fashionable nonsense has been with us since the time that prehistoric man first transcribed Of Grammatology on to the walls of the Lascaux caves. Here we cast an eye back at some historical highlights.

Professionalization in the Humanities *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

What if you want to talk about an authentic self instead of an ‘authentic self’?… Read the rest

Romila Thapar demolishes Sanskritic Indus Theory *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘Indian history from the perspective of the Hindutva ideology reintroduces ideas that have long been discarded and are of little relevance to an understanding of the past.’… Read the rest

Mary Lefkowitz on Distortions of History *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

He has his view and you have yours and they have theirs. So it goes.… Read the rest

Paul Boghossian on the Sokal Hoax. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘To concede that no one ever believes something solely because it’s true is not to deny that anything is objectively true.’… Read the rest

Lee Smith on Tariq Ramadan *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘Ramadan is a cold-blooded Islamist who believes that Islam is the cure for the malaise wrought by liberal values.’… Read the rest

‘Why should science be any different?’ *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘We no longer defer to bishops or politicians; scientists are simply facing the same fate.’ Yes but bishops are one thing and scientists are another. We can demand that scientists produce evidence, but what evidence can a bishop offer?… Read the rest

Research psychology or psychotherapy. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘…many of the widely accepted claims promulgated by therapists are based on subjective clinical opinions and have been resoundingly disproved by empirical research conducted by psychological scientists.’… Read the rest

Susan Haack on Vulgar Rortyism *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

It’s important to distinguish between necessary, useful technicality, and jargon or pseudo-mathematics substituting for genuine rigor.… Read the rest

Democracy and its Global Roots *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘Developments take place in a world linked by ideas rather than by race.’… Read the rest

A Designer Universe? *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

What a coincidence that we’re here and not on that nasty Pluto.… Read the rest

Raymond Tallis on Sokal & Bricmont. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘The protection built into Theory…is composed of layer on layer of ignorance.’… Read the rest

Naomi Weisstein defends the beanie hat *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

We need to know what’s out there so that we can change it.… Read the rest

You Mean Movie Characters Aren’t Real People? *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

No it’s not just an accident that the character who gets Tom Hanks killed in Saving Private Ryan is both an intellectual and a coward. Spielberg is making a point, a bad point, and we need to pay attention.… Read the rest

Carol Tavris Wonders Where the Evidence Is *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘But the gender-genre books that are based largely on clinical intuition and popular psychology typically lack a basic skepticism toward received wisdom and the willingness to wrestle with an idea to see who wins.’… Read the rest

Science, Scientism, and Anti-Science in the Age of Preposterism *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

‘We are in danger of losing our grip on the concepts of truth, evidence, objectivity, disinterested inquiry.’… Read the rest

Limitations of Political Reporting *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Investors need to know the truth, but voters don’t. Or not.… Read the rest

Melvin Konner takes on the opponents of sociobiology. *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Biologists who had done no primary research in human sciences nevertheless issued anathemas on it.… Read the rest

Holocaust Denial on Trial *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Deniers distort history in order to promote antisemitism and white supremacy.… Read the rest

Irfan Khawaja takes issue with Daniel Pipes *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

Militant Islam and militant Christian fundamentalism are indeed related.… Read the rest

Richard Dawkins’ review of Not in Our Genes *

Apr 10th, 2010 | Filed by

In their ‘paranoiac and demonological theology of science’ Lewontin, Kamin and Rose fire both barrels with equal monotony and imprecision: ‘determinism’ and ‘reductionism’. But the gallant little fire brigade has perpetrated a fatuous little book.… Read the rest