Posts Tagged ‘ Trump-Putin ’

Memory hole

Jul 25th, 2018 10:20 am | By

[But see update]

Wow. Sorry to do the naïve surprised-shocked thing yet again, but I am surprised-shocked. The White House is 1984ing us. Its official transcript and video of the Trump-Putin press conference last week both have a missing piece – a sliced out, concealed, censored piece. Can you guess which one? It’s where the Reuters reporter asks Putin if he wanted Trump to win and Putin says “Yes I did, yes I did.”

Updating to add: Washington Post reporter Philip Bump says that’s not what happened, that it was a glitch not a deliberate censoring.

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I’m not a patsy, you’re a patsy

Jul 20th, 2018 8:01 am | By

Trump calls Obama a patsy for Russia and stupid.

President Trump said in a television interview broadcast Friday that President Barack Obama was “a total patsy” for Russia, as he touted his own efforts to forge a better relationship with Russian President Vladi­mir Putin.

“Getting along with President Putin, getting along with Russia, is positive, not a negative,” Trump said during the interview on CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” which was recorded Thursday shortly [before] the White House announced it was inviting Putin to Washington in the fall for another meeting with Trump.

He must have said that 40 thousand times by now. Yes, we know, a truce with a rival or even an enemy is often the best option. We … Read the rest

A proposal that was made in sincerity

Jul 19th, 2018 5:30 pm | By

Oh great, now Treason Don wants Volodya to come to his house for a sleepover in the fall, just in time to fuck around with the elections.

President Trump plans to invite President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia to Washington for another meeting in the fall, officials said Thursday, even as Mr. Trump’s top advisers groped for details of what the two leaders discussed in their last meeting in Helsinki, Finland.

Mr. Trump’s director of national intelligence, Dan Coats, acknowledged frustration at being kept in the dark about the meeting, which included only the leaders and their respective interpreters. “If he had asked me how that ought to be conducted,” Mr. Coats said at a security conference in Aspen,

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Trump wants a second date with Pootie

Jul 19th, 2018 11:13 am | By

Oh well, no worries, call off the alarms: Putin is defending Trump from critics.

President Vladimir Putin on Thursday defended Donald Trump from angry criticism following their summit in Helsinki, as the U.S. president called for a second face-to-face meeting with his Russian counterpart.

Mr. Putin, in his first comments in days, praised the Helsinki summit and said it led to some “useful promises.” Little more than an hour later, Mr. Trump tweeted that he wanted a follow-up meeting with Mr. Putin to work on the issues he said they discussed, including terrorism, Israeli security, nuclear proliferation and cyberattacks.

And handing US citizens over to Putin on request.

“It is important that a full-fledged meeting took place allowing

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Hand over the suspects

Jul 18th, 2018 3:21 pm | By

A new item: Trump apparently told Putin “ok” to the suggestion that Russia should be able to question Americans Putin wants to “prosecute” i.e. push out of a high window.

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Russia’s defense ministry says it’s ready to act on the agreements

Jul 18th, 2018 12:19 pm | By

Oh but that’s not what he meant, he meant the opposite, he didn’t hear the question, he was answering a different question, he had a pain in his bum right at that second, he didn’t mean “no” the way you’re interpreting it, he said yes but you just didn’t listen, he left out some of the letters, he meant to say wouldn’t, he forgot his homework, the dog ate his shoes, the sun will come out tomorrow, is that a zebra?

President Trump appeared to say on Wednesday that Russia was no longer targeting the United States, contradicting his own intelligence chief just a day after promising that his administration was working to prevent Kremlin interference in the upcoming

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In plain sight

Jul 17th, 2018 10:47 am | By

Greg Sargent at the Post points out that Republicans are avoiding the core issue.

They don’t acknowledge the intelligence services’ consensus view that the Russian sabotage effort was designed to elect Trump.

The Republican evasion on this is not just a political dodge to avoid offending Trump voters. It’s also substantively important. The big unknown right now is why Trump refuses to take Russian sabotage of our democracy seriously, at a time when our own intelligence officials say it will happen again. The easy answer that has been pushed by Republicans and some Trump loyalists is that the president doesn’t want to diminish the appearance of his victory’s legitimacy. It’s just a matter of ego and temperament. It’s

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His mood soured

Jul 17th, 2018 10:20 am | By

Trump is surprised.

I guess even though all his advisers told him he mustn’t do what he did, he thought everyone would be overjoyed anyway? Because…[????]

President Donald Trump was upbeat immediately after his news conference with Vladimir Putin in Finland, but by the time he returned stateside on Monday evening, his mood had soured considerably amid sustained fury at his extraordinary embrace of the Russian leader.

Well, to be fair, I don’t give a flying fuck what his mood is, I want to know when he’s going to resign in disgrace.

He offered a defiant rebuke of his critics mid-Tuesday morning, writing on Twitter: “While I had a great meeting with NATO, raising vast amounts of money,

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Jul 16th, 2018 5:25 pm | By

The Daily News:

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Prosecutors see what he did

Jul 16th, 2018 2:48 pm | By

More reactions.

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The timing was exceptionally awkward

Jul 16th, 2018 10:34 am | By

The Times was live updating.

Mr. Trump refused to say that he believed American intelligence agencies’ findings that Russia interfered in the 2016 United States election, as a news conference where international affairs were expected to dominate turned again and again to the president’s domestic political troubles. The timing was exceptionally awkward, just days after the Justice Department indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents on charges of hacking the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, in an attempt to aid Mr. Trump.

For “exceptionally awkward” read “treasonous.”

Asked whether he believes his own intelligence agencies, which say that Russia interfered in the 2016 United States election, or Mr. Putin, who denies it, Mr. Trump refused to say, but

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Everyone is numb and in shock

Jul 16th, 2018 9:55 am | By

Reactions to the Trump-Putin press conference:

In plain sight.

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Hiding in plain sight

Jul 16th, 2018 9:31 am | By

Greg Sargent at the Post points out that Trump is colluding with Putin right now, as we watch.

In Helsinki today, Trump and Putin spoke to reportersbefore entering their private meeting. Trump predicted that “I think we will end up having an extraordinary relationship,” adding that “getting along with Russia is a good thing, not a bad thing.” But as The Post’s write-up puts it: “Trump did not mention Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential campaign as one of the topics to be discussed.”

On Friday, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted a dozen Russian military intelligence officials in an extraordinary and wide-ranging set of cyberattacks on Hillary Clinton’s campaign and Democratic National Committee officials, alleging

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