A different cabinet

Oh hey, the grownups are back.

It’s a very minimal thing to rejoice at, but that’s where we are.

Avril Haines, who is set to be the new director of national intelligence, has taken the podium.

‘I will never shy away from speaking truth to power,” she said.

She promised to tell the president whatever is “inconvenient and difficult”. She said the intelligence community is indispensable to America to address threats that come not just from terrorism, cyber hacking or other traditional directions.

“Also the challenges that will define the next generation – climate change, pandemics and corruption,” she said.

Adults. Serious people. Not corrupt greedy clowns.

Antony Blinken has come to the podium to speak, just after Joe Biden said of his new team: “They will tell me what I need to know, not what I want to know” and added “they will make us proud to be American”.

Blinken, who if confirmed by the Senate will be Biden’s new secretary of state, is telling the public of the story of his family. He has relatives who variously escaped communism in Hungary and survived the Holocaust.

He just told of his late stepfather who survived the camps and fled a death march, hiding in the woods in Bavaria until he stumbled on an American tank and, when a Black GI popped out of the top, the man sank to his knees and said the only three words he knew in English, Blinken said: “God bless America”.

Makes a change from Pompeo.

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