The certainty of your virtue will lead you into cruelty

Dec 7th, 2015 11:30 am | By

Ah the way the left loves to devour its own. Nick Cohen says it has to do with the left’s self-image as the home of all righteousness.

Anyone who saw Gordon Brown and his aides in action, or watched the student left ban speakers for disagreeing with them, has found the myth of leftwing decency hard to swallow. But it has taken the triumph of Jeremy Corbyn’s “new politics” to finish it off.

Police are investigating a death threat madeagainst Neil Coyle, the Labour MP for Bermondsey, after he voted to allow the RAF to attack Islamic State in Syria. His colleague Diana Johnson said the abuse of Labour MPs who supported the action was horrendous. “‘Murderous cunt’ is

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The whole system is stacked against women

Dec 7th, 2015 11:14 am | By

The Independent on sharia courts in the UK, via Machteld Zee, a Dutch researcher who did her PhD on the subject.

“The judges were very friendly,” she says. “We chatted between cases. The problem is not that they were mean but the foundation of their judice acts in a system of sharia Islamic law, in which the principle focus is making women dependent on their husbands and clerics.

“One judge said: ‘Under Islam, we should reconcile marriages even if there is violence’. They don’t care. It was shocking:

they would have you cling to a marriage.

“There are also unfair custody statements. The woman has no idea this is a religious institution and she should go to a secular

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Violating Facebook’s standards

Dec 7th, 2015 10:22 am | By

Update: Facebook has restored it.

Facebook removed Simi Rahman’s post, so this time I’ll post the whole thing by way of an extra archive and a “fuck you” to Facebook.


Every Muslim humanist is asking themselves a question I first asked myself in September 2001.

How do you tell a radical Muslim from a moderate peace loving one?

And here is my train of thought.

The 9/11 hijackers reminded me of boys I had gone to school with in Dubai in the 80s and 90s. They were the same age, background, and modern enough to have listened to 80s pop and chased girls. Meaning that just like most young people in the Muslim world, we weren’t that … Read the rest

The Church of England won’t let go

Dec 7th, 2015 9:45 am | By

There’s a report out in the UK, about religion and diversity and public life yadda yadda…

And Malcolm Brown at the Church of England blog has a post about it. (Did I know there was a CofE blog? No.) Brown is slightly triumphalist, saying religion isn’t going anywhere so ha.

But he also does the thing religionists always do: he pretends we can’t do without religion because religion is the source of all the good things.

[T]he common assumption that religion is in decline and can safely be relegated to the margins of our cultural life is simply wrong. Patterns of religious observance and affiliation are changing, but religion shows no sign of going away or allowing itself to be

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Siblings, Not Cisters

Dec 6th, 2015 5:43 pm | By

NUS women had a conference last March. They issued some resolutions. Some of them are blood-curdling. Like this one for instance:

Motion 405: Trans Inclusion in the Women’s Campaign: Siblings, Not Cisters

See what they did there? Cisters? Sisters is a bad word, because…because it means female sibling, and there are trans people, so we can’t use words that mean female or male any more – like woman for instance. So it turns out that trans women aren’t women? Because it would be not inclusive to call them that?

Conference Believes:
1. The student women’s movement must strive to be a trans inclusive environment.
2. The definition of Women for the NUS Women’s Campaign is “all who self-define

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Their feminism will be self-centered or it will be bullshit

Dec 6th, 2015 4:18 pm | By

Goldsmiths Feminist Society has its priorities straight. Not long after its statement of solidarity with ISOC (and against ASH and Maryam), it changed its cover photo.

Self Care – that’s what feminism is all about innit. Not solidarity with oppressed women around the globe, but care of the precious beloved self. Not repudiation of misogynist bullying theocratic men, but tender loving concern for the ever-fragile ever-needy Self.

Right.… Read the rest

Until the moment before they pull the trigger

Dec 6th, 2015 1:20 pm | By

A public Facebook post by Simi Rahman that has gone viral.

Every Muslim humanist is asking themselves a question I first asked myself in September 2001.

How do you tell a radical Muslim from a moderate peace loving one?

And here is my train of thought.

The 9/11 hijackers reminded me of boys I had gone to school with in Dubai in the 80s and 90s. They were the same age, background, and modern enough to have listened to 80s pop and chased girls. Meaning that just like most young people in the Muslim world, we weren’t that religious.

So, I thought, maybe I could locate the differences between them and me, and at some point I would identify a

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She knows betrayal when she sees it

Dec 6th, 2015 12:12 pm | By

An #ExMuslimBecause tweet from November 20 and [updated] yesterday:

Ex-Muslims Forum ‏@CEMB_forum Nov 20
Sent to us to tweet anonymously by an #ExMuslim woman who is afraid to speak up openly. #ExMuslimBecause

Ex-Muslim Because:

My Dad, the sheikh said:

“There’s no such thing as rape in marriage, in Islam, you’re a liar.”

When I’d asked him to tell the man he’d married me off to at 17 to stop raping me. My own Dad!

 And the new photo yesterday:

#ExMuslimBecause cultural relativists like @goldfemsoc @lgbtqgold won’t silence us. Message from an #ExMuslim woman.

 Message from a
closeted Ex-Muslim woman
to the people running
Goldsmiths “Feminist Society”
& “LGBTQ Society”.
Via @CEMB Forum

I know betrayal by those who should

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From the human rights angle

Dec 6th, 2015 11:33 am | By

P.K. Balachandran reports from Colombo in the New Indian Express:

Four Muslim Members of Parliament, including a cabinet Minister, shouted down Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP M.A.Sumanthiran, when he mentioned the term “Shariah” while speaking in parliament on Friday on a Saudi Arabian court’s order to “stone to death” a Lankan women for committing adultery.

She was scheduled to be killed on Friday but the Saudis paused because she has appealed the sentence.

Sumanthiran, also a leading Supreme Court lawyer, said that laws regarding the mode of punishment in various countries should be looked at afresh, from the human rights angle. He mentioned stoning in Saudi Arabia, flogging in Singapore and the use of the electric chair in some

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All that makes rational discussion virtually impossible

Dec 6th, 2015 10:35 am | By

Jamie Palmer takes a long hard look at the pro-Islamist left and its shameful behavior to Maryam and other ex-Muslims, secular Muslims, apostates, refuseniks.

And so it was that when ISOC misrepresented the event as an unhappy tale of marginalization and Islamophobia, both the Goldsmiths Feminist Society and the LGBTQ+ Society quickly released statements pledging their support and solidarity with ISOC.

“We support them,” FemSoc soberly declared:

…in condemning the actions of the Atheist, Secularist and Humanist Society and agree that hosting known islamophobes at our university creates a climate of hatred. 

Two days later, the LGBTQ+ Society came up with this:

We condemn AHS and online supporters for their islamophobic remarks, attitudes, and harassment. If they feel

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We have the right to exist in space

Dec 6th, 2015 9:37 am | By

The cabaret performer Lili La Scala took the late train home last night after a performance in London. She likes to use the 55 minute trip to wind down. Last night a bunch of guys had other plans for her.

I stepped on to the train and assumed my usual corner seat, the one right at the front with a little table. Within a minute or so, five chaps of a rather burly description with shaved heads and assorted football wear, had claimed the seats around me.

They tried to strike up conversation but I’m rather taciturn on my homeward journey so I fended off the questions. However, now I feel bad about that, it was bad manners to

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A call for plays

Dec 5th, 2015 4:22 pm | By

Hey all you aspiring playwrights out there, and you working playwrights, and you who hadn’t thought of writing a play before but just might think of it now – here’s a thing for you:


The First Annual Freethought Onstage Festival will be held the week of August 7-13, 2016, at the Haymarket Theatre in Lincoln, Nebraska. Play submissions will be accepted beginning December 1, 2015. The deadline for submission is April 1, 2016. Winners will be announced in early June.

Submission Guidelines:

  •  Plays are to be submitted in standard playwriting format.
  •  Length: 10 minutes to 2 hours will be considered; if your running time in reading is longer than 2 hours, and your play is accepted, you
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Pointedly incurious or delusional about the people they’re defending

Dec 5th, 2015 11:57 am | By

Tom Owolade has some thoughts on the Goldsmiths feminists and LGBTQ+ activists.

Before examining the underpinnings of the Atheist and Humanist society ideology, one should first examine Goldsmiths’ Islamic society.

In 2011, they invited to speak at their annual dinner Abdurraheem Green and Hamza Tzortzis. Green believes that a husband is permitted to beat his wife if she misbehaves, and that homosexuality should not be permitted in society; Tzortzis has supported child-marriage.

In 2014, Goldsmiths Islamic society invited Cage Prisoners – a group whose dalliance with terrorism and extremism is well-documented. CAGE has supported a wide range of Islamist terrorists – from Abu Hamza to Anwar al-Awlaki. The deputy director of CAGE, Asim Qureshi, has twice

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Block that simile

Dec 5th, 2015 10:37 am | By

James Bloodworth pointed out an extraordinary claim by Stop the War yesterday:

Say what?

Benn does not even seem to realize that the jihadist movement that ultimately spawned Daesh is far closer to the spirit of internationalism and solidarity that drove the International Brigades than Cameron’s bombing campaign – except that the international jihad takes the form of solidarity with oppressed Muslims, rather than the working class or the socialist revolution.

No. It isn’t.

The kind or type or category of internationalism and solidarity that drives Daesh is profoundly different from the kind or type or category that drove the International Brigades. (Here I’m talking about the individuals who joined the IB, not the Stalinists who ran them and ended … Read the rest

More comments on “solidarity”

Dec 4th, 2015 3:59 pm | By

More comments from the Goldsmiths LGBTQ+ post declaring solidarity with Goldsmiths Isoc and condemnation of Goldsmiths ASH.


I understand your wish to show solidarity, but I don’t understand your choice to necessarily take sides in this matter, nor do I understand the side you’ve chosen.

Try investigating what Maryam mentions several times as one of the central issues – conflating Islam, Islamism and Muslims – making it impossible to criticize an ideology without being called a bigot by people who can’t tell apples from oranges.

There are real people suffering very real pain right now. They are partially suffering because we in the west fail to identify and point out the actual problems, and hide behind political correctness

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Because people don’t get pregnant, women get pregnant

Dec 4th, 2015 11:44 am | By

Laurie Penny says a thing at the New Statesman.

Title and subhead:

If men got pregnant, abortion would be legal everywhere

The concept of women deciding when, whether and how to have children, is still a threat to the status quo.

In other words, all together now: if men got pregnant abortion would be a sacrament.

Laurie Penny cites the murders at Planned Parenthood and a Belfast judge’s ruling that “abortion might just be permissible in cases of rape, incest or foetal abnormality” and suggests that there’s a pattern.

The concept of women having actual goddamned agency over their lives and bodies, the idea that we might get to decide when, whether and how to have children, is

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Guest post: This is about shutting up women who want to talk about women’s issues

Dec 4th, 2015 10:39 am | By

Originally a comment by iknklast on They never accused.

You’re right, I have the right not to invite you to my party, and do it on the flimsiest of reasons. But you also have the right to complain about that, loudly, to all your friends, and anyone who will listen (and even to those who won’t, because they have a right to walk off while you’re talking). This isn’t about birthday parties, or even events. This is about an attitude that is becoming increasingly pervasive, where women are not only not being invited to events, they are being smeared as transphobic or TERF, and at times being disinvited to speak, or being invited to speak by one group who … Read the rest

What “matter” are you talking about, exactly?

Dec 4th, 2015 10:35 am | By

For the sake of completeness of information –

Goldsmiths Students Union has a brief statement…a brief, nasty, insinuating, hateful statement.

Maryam Namazie Talk – Holding Statement

Emil Allard

This matter is currently under investigation and we are not in a position to comment further. Goldsmiths SU are aware of a video that has been posted online without consent of the attending students, we have contacted the speaker and requested that this video [be] removed.

Any further statement will be posted in the news section of this website.

See what they did there? They made it appear as if Maryam or ASH or both did something wrong, and as if no one else did.

They also, probably without fully realizing … Read the rest

Preserving some comments

Dec 4th, 2015 9:52 am | By

I’m sharing some of the comments on the Goldsmiths LGBTQ+ post, in case they get deleted and because they’re good. I’ll leave the names off even though it’s a public post, in case the people don’t want to be spotlighted that way.


If you can watch that debate and insist poor ISOC were attacked, your community has taken a dishonest stance to shield itself from a bully that ISOC is. This cowardice is why freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and even freedom of sexuality are at risk.

You have taken bullies’ side, and the irony of it could not be made up. The representatives of a society which you defend harassed and tried to silence those

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More solidarity with the theocratic fascists

Dec 4th, 2015 9:03 am | By

And now the Goldsmiths LGBTQ+ Society has joined the reactionary Goldsmiths Feminist Society in solidarity not with the secular feminist human rights campaigner Maryam Namazie but with the people – the men – who tried to bully her into silence at her talk on Monday. Yes that’s right. Solidarity with the bullies who did their best to shout down a woman advocating religious freedom and human rights.

Following recent events on- and offline, we would like to state and show our solidarity with the sisters and brothers of our Goldsmiths ISOC

We condemn AHS and online supporters for their islamophobic remarks and attitudes. If they feel intimidated, we urge them to look at the underpinnings of their ideology. We find

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