Fascist uprising in Oregon

Jan 3rd, 2016 9:33 am | By

Unbelievable. From the Washington Post:

An armed militia took over a building at a national wildlife refuge in Oregon late Saturday and vows to occupy the outpost for years to protest the federal government’s treatment of a pair of ranchers facing prison time.

The occupation of a portion of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge 30 miles southeast of Burns, Ore., followed a peaceful march for ranchers Dwight Hammond, 73, and Steven Hammond, 46, who are scheduled to report to federal prison in San Pedro, Calif., on Monday after being convicted of arson, according to the Oregonian.

A peaceful march? By an armed militia? There is no such thing.

Among the occupiers are several members of the Bundy family,

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They will stop at nothing to make it harder for women to access abortion

Jan 2nd, 2016 5:39 pm | By

I’m glad to see that NARAL hasn’t bought into the bullshit.

We believe that women should have the option to choose abortion. Today they can, thanks to the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973. But even though access to abortion is legal, our right to it is far from safe. Anti-choice groups attack our right to choose at every opportunity.

The Problem

Anti-choice people want to outlaw abortion, regardless of the woman’s situation. They will stop at nothing to make it harder for women to access abortion. They even target the doctors who provide abortion care.

Anti-choice people use many of the following tactics to reach their goals:

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Guest post: There was this thing called “femininity”

Jan 2nd, 2016 5:17 pm | By

Lady Mondegreen offered me a comment she made elsewhere as a guest post and I snapped it up.

If you insist that the meaning of woman can no longer be tied to biological sex (“a woman is an adult female human being,” where “female” means “body which produces egg rather than sperm cells,” or “body which most closely resembles those had by egg-producers,”) then how do you define it?

I’ve been told that a woman is “a person who identifies as a woman,” a circular definition that reduces “woman” to a self-chosen “identity.” It says nothing about why anyone would choose to be a woman. It also erases millions of women who never chose their identity as women, and certainly … Read the rest

Fancy Smelling Fire Hazards

Jan 2nd, 2016 4:17 pm | By

A friend of mine wondered about a targeted ad on Facebook, an ad so absurd I couldn’t believe it’s not a parody.

The guy from the Dos Equis ad, saying

  I don’t always buy candles

  but when I do I buy man candles.

Then a picture of a black jar holding a candle with exploding flames behind it.


Scent is the first thing people notice and leaves a lasting impression. Make sure it’s a good one. Smoulder Wolf candles will ensure your place smells incredible, without the overpowering feminine scents from your typical scented candle.

So I had to know – is it parody or is it really that level of jackassery? I … Read the rest

Helping out

Jan 2nd, 2016 1:05 pm | By

More from Hebden Bridge, via the HB website.

The main road through the town during the flood:

Guys from a mosque in Halifax coming to help with the Hebden Bridge clean-up.

Photo: Ron Taylor

Aamir Mahmood wrote that “The lovely people of Mylthmroyd and Hebden Bridge were very welcoming. They have been working tirelessly days and nights to restore their homes following the flood damage. We can not take the pain and suffering away, but we can certainly stand by you and do our bits to get you through it. This beautiful community will be back to its normal very soon.”

My guess is that actually they do help take some of the pain away.… Read the rest


Jan 2nd, 2016 12:04 pm | By

Reuters reports:

Saudi Arabia executed a prominent Shi’ite Muslim cleric and dozens of al Qaeda members on Saturday, signaling it would not tolerate attacks, whether by Sunni jihadists or minority Shi’ites, and stirring sectarian anger across the region.

When in doubt, kill lots of people.

Most of the 47 killed in the kingdom’s biggest mass execution for decades were Sunnis convicted of al Qaeda attacks in Saudi Arabia a decade ago. Four, including Nimr, were Shi’ites accused of involvement in shooting policemen.

The executions took place in 12 cities in Saudi Arabia, four prisons using firing squads and the others beheading. In December, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula threatened to retaliate against Saudi Arabia for any execution of

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Jan 1st, 2016 5:07 pm | By

Now that’s a fireworks photo.

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The fatwa on female slaves

Jan 1st, 2016 5:01 pm | By

The Independent a few days ago:

Isis has released a fatwa detailing how and when its fighters can rape female sex slaves – “one of the inevitable consequences of jihad”.

The document, drawn up by the terrorist group’s “Committee of Research and Fatwas”, was revealed by Reuters news agency after being discovered among a huge trove of documents seized by US special forces in Syria.

The fatwa on female slaves, which could not be independently verified, was apparently released in response to a question on unspecified “violations” by Isis fighters owning female slaves.

It lists 15 rulings, which go into explicit detail prohibiting intercourse if a slave is menstruating or is pregnant, and banning forced

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Always with the questions

Jan 1st, 2016 4:08 pm | By

I’m wondering something.

You know “All Lives Matter”? That infuriating retort to Black Lives Matter? That maddeningly clueless, point-missing, pugnacious attempt to say shut up about racism?

Here’s a fresh new one just today, from the Elko Daily, by someone named Chuck Muth:

I know I shouldn’t write this – and I know I’m going to bring down the wrath of the Thought Police and the race-hustlers upon my head – but I’m sick and tired of this white-hating “black lives matter” crud and ain’t gonna take it anymore.

You know right where you are with that kind of thing, don’t you. You know to turn around and walk briskly away.

You know that “Black Lives Matter” is absolutely … Read the rest

Haredi women and feminism *

Jan 1st, 2016 | Filed by

Haredi women are the breadwinners, but don’t talk to them about feminism.… Read the rest

Guest post: Tales from the Hebden Bridge Food Hub

Jan 1st, 2016 12:48 pm | By

Kirsty Vincent Hall on Facebook.

After even a few hours in the food hub, you can spot the actual flood victims.

You can see it in the eyes. They are the ones with the hundred-yard stare.

Sometimes we need to lead them around gently. So much has happened to them in such a short time that when faced with a mountain of food – and very quickly and amazingly it is a mountain – they are overwhelmed.

We learn to question. And to keep it very simple and matter of fact.

‘Do you have something to eat for tonight? Do you have power? OK, no power. Right, let’s find things that don’t need to be heated. Do you have … Read the rest


Jan 1st, 2016 12:31 pm | By

Paul Krugman on the impact of money on character.

Wealth can be bad for your soul. That’s not just a hoary piece of folk wisdom; it’s a conclusion from serious social science, confirmed by statistical analysis and experiment. The affluent are, on average, less likely to exhibit empathy, less likely to respect norms and even laws, more likely to cheat, than those occupying lower rungs on the economic ladder.

Especially in a place like the US, where getting rich is seen as evidence if not downright proof of merit.

Modern America is a society in which a growing share of income and wealth is concentrated in the hands of a small number of people, and these people have

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You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany

Jan 1st, 2016 12:20 pm | By

Erdoğan thinks the Turkish presidency – occupied just now by none other than Erdoğan – should have more power, the way Hitler did.

After returning from a trip to Saudi Arabia, Mr. Erdogan was asked by the Turkish news media whether a presidential system was possible given that the government is now organized under a prime minister.

“There are already examples in the world,” Mr. Erdogan said. “You can see it when you look at Hitler’s Germany.”

Hitler, who became chancellor of Germany in 1933, assumed the presidency in 1934, a move that allowed him to consolidate power to become the Führer.

While Mr. Erdogan did not elaborate, his comment is bound to raise concern among critics who view

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Going down

Jan 1st, 2016 12:12 pm | By

Ensaf Haidar says Raif’s health is deteriorating.

Ensaf Haidar, who was granted asylum in Canada with the couple’s three children, said on Thursday that she hoped her husband would end a hunger strike he had initiated more than 20 days ago to protest against his transfer to a different prison in Saudi Arabia.

A member of Amnesty International in Canada and a spokeswoman for the Canadian government both said they were unable to confirm the hunger strike.

“I am very worried about him,” Ms Haidar said on Thursday. “His health, both physical and mental, is very poor.”

She said she last spoke with her husband two weeks ago, and had been kept informed of Mr Badawi’s condition by

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