They’re all dirty

Sep 23rd, 2019 11:13 am | By

On the other hand – it would be better if Joe Biden’s kid had never gone near any Ukrainian natural gas company (or any other kind of company).

It would, in fact, be better if this whole business of leveraging a political career into big cash flows from private companies and corporations had never been embraced. It would be nice if US politicians had always seen that as a profoundly wrong and bad and indefensible move, and stayed away. Instead we have the opposite – everybody does it, it’s normal, shrug shrug. That’s all Trump and Giuliani need. The fact that Trump is doing the same thing but more so is neither here nor there.

The BBC traces the pathRead the rest

Strident avoidance syndrome

Sep 23rd, 2019 10:14 am | By

When reporting goes bad:

Nancy Pelosiwho has stridently avoided calling for impeachment, wrote in a letter that continued White House obstruction over releasing the whistleblower complaint about Trump’s call with the Ukrainian president would trigger severe consequences.

How do you stridently avoid calling for something? How do you stridently avoid anything?

I think they meant “strenuously advised against.”

It’s live reporting, so of its nature they do it quickly and without time for proofreaders to check it…but at the same time it does kind of hint at that unconscious bias thing we all drag around with us. Whether you agree with Pelosi or not, it is after all her job to advise for and against things, and … Read the rest

They were there to see Las Meninas

Sep 23rd, 2019 9:20 am | By

Way back on August 22

President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani confirmed Thursday that the State Department assisted his efforts to press the Ukrainian government to probe two prominent Democratic opponents of the president: former Vice President Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee.

Specifically, Giuliani has wanted Ukrainian officials to look into any impropriety related to the former vice president’s push to crack down on corruption in Ukraine and his son Hunter Biden’s involvement in a natural gas company there. Giuliani also sought to have Ukraine examine whether the Democratic National Committee worked in connection with Ukrainian officials to harm Trump’s 2016 campaign by releasing damaging information on the president’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort.

Giuliani had … Read the rest


Sep 22nd, 2019 5:22 pm | By

That gabble of Trump’s this morning actually confirmed that he leaned on Ukraine to lean on Biden.

Trump told reporters on Sunday that his phone call with Zelensky was “absolutely perfect” and that he “did absolutely nothing wrong.”

Trump said his conversation with Zelensky focused on corruption and on “the fact that we don’t want our people, like Vice President Biden and his son, [contributing to] the corruption already in Ukraine.”

He didn’t say “contributing to,” hence the brackets. He said “creating to” – which is gibberish.


Later, he told reporters he “had every right to” bring up Biden because “we don’t want a country that we’re giving massive aid to to be corrupting our system.”

No, he … Read the rest

Dinesh needs a better map

Sep 22nd, 2019 4:01 pm | By

Dinesh D’Souza being…well, Dinesh D’Souza.

Children—notably Nordic white girls with braids and red cheeks—were often used in Nazi propaganda. An old Goebbels technique! Looks like today’s progressive Left is still learning its game from an earlier Left in the 1930s

Left. In the 1930s. Goebbels.

The Nazis were not “the Left.” Not then and not at any time. They killed every communist and socialist they could get their hands on. The left in the 30s was socialist or communist or somewhere between the two, and it was anti-fascist when most people were ignoring the whole subject. The Communist Party did stab all that in the back when Stalin signed the pact with Hitler and CP policy reversed itself overnight, … Read the rest

His full and alarming incoherence

Sep 22nd, 2019 3:43 pm | By

Australian journalist sees Trump press conference for the first time, is taken aback by how much stupider he sounds than the press has reported. I know how she feels, even though I’ve listened to him babble extempore many times – he keeps surprising me even though I already know. He’s that bad.

But watching a full presidential Trump press conference while visiting the US this week I realised how much the reporting of Trump necessarily edits and parses his words, to force it into sequential paragraphs or impose meaning where it is difficult to detect.

That but also he sounds and looks so much more cracked than even a fully accurate transcript can convey, because of all the head-twitching … Read the rest

WHY lord WHY

Sep 22nd, 2019 11:53 am | By
WHY lord WHY


[I removed the image; see comments]

Tiffany @catgirlsister asks

WHY are cis lesbians so transphobic

and adds

pls tell me I won’t be alone forever

Maybe it’s mean to make fun of what Tiffany says…but then again women who are accused of being “transphobic” or “cis” or lesbians or all three are subject to quite a lot of meanness themselves, often set off by people like Tiffany saying things like the things Tiffany said in those tweets.

So I’ll point at what Tiffany says, and ask why Tiffany feels entitled to demand that lesbians do something to prevent him from being alone forever. Why is that lesbians’ job? Why is it lesbians’ fault that Tiffany is alone? Why isn’t … Read the rest

How many inappropriate things he says with the whole world listening

Sep 22nd, 2019 10:50 am | By

The Post yesterday:

It is no secret that Trump and his attorney, Rudolph Giuliani, have been pressuring Ukraine to open a corruption investigation into Democratic front-runner Joe Biden. Their contention is that Biden, as vice president, encouraged the firing of Ukraine’s top prosecutor because he was probing a company that employed Biden’s son. Numerous journalists have shown that this accusation is bogus. The prosecutor was notoriously lax in pursuing corruption cases. So rather than fomenting corruption, Biden was fighting it. Trump and Giuliani have been acting in a highly improper fashion to induce a foreign government to lie on Trump’s behalf.

Notice how filthy this is. Biden and Obama were leaning on Ukraine to get corruption out of its … Read the rest

Morning centaur

Sep 22nd, 2019 9:59 am | By

Just confirming that he really does stand funny.

The knees are locked, the butt sticks out, the torso tilts, the hands dangle, the jacket flaps.

Via reporter Jennifer Jacobs.… Read the rest

No cars? We’ll show them!

Sep 22nd, 2019 9:21 am | By

Typical Trumpy behavior – if there’s an island that had had a ban on motorized vehicles since 1898, why, what’s there to do but go to that island with 8 SUVs and parade around in them.

Vice President Mike Pence arrived at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island in an eight-vehicle motorcade Saturday, prompting cries of “sacrilege” on social media.

Cars are generally banned on the island, and that century-old ban is integral to its charm.

When President Gerald Ford visited the island in 1975 — the only sitting president to make such a visit — he and first lady Betty Ford traveled by horse-drawn carriage.

Pence, who spoke at the Mackinac Republican Leadership Conference, is the first sitting

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With largely corruption

Sep 22nd, 2019 8:57 am | By

Trump this morning gave an eloquent defense of his phone call with the president of Ukraine:

While Democrats stepped up calls for impeachment, President Donald Trump directly acknowledged Sunday that he spoke with the president of Ukraine about an investigation into political opponent Joe Biden, but called the talk appropriate.

Speaking with reporters en route to a trip to Texas and Ohio, Trump said: “The conversation I had was largely congratulatory, with largely corruption – all of the corruption taking place – and largely the fact that we don’t want our people like Vice President Biden and his son creating to the corruption already in the Ukraine.”

His brain is like a broken record. The word “largely” gets into … Read the rest


Sep 21st, 2019 5:40 pm | By

But don’t worry, the Ivankas are still enjoying their White House Years.

When in Rome …

Updating to add Alfalfa:

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The man used his high office to solicit foreign election interference

Sep 21st, 2019 4:44 pm | By

Tensions rising.


“It appears that an American spy in one of our intelligence agencies may have been spying on our own president. The complaint suggests that this intel agent was listening in on Trump’s conversation….….with a foreign leader. Was this person officially asked to listen to the conversation or was he or she secretly listening in?” @GreggJarrett

Joyce Vance:

I think we can feel sure that a whistleblower would not make a report unless he or she had legitimately accessed the information in question. This is ridiculous.

Martina Navratilova:

Just shut up already, this person is, unlike you, a patriot.

Neal Katyal:

This switch in strategy away from denial may mean Trump finally read

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Body language

Sep 21st, 2019 12:13 pm | By

Speaking of “Charlotte” Clymer

“Before, I used to get a lot of women accusing me of ‘mansplaining’ stuff to them, but if they say that to me now I can get them fired.”

Remind us of how fragile and vulnerable Clymer is, because at the moment I just can’t seem to see it.… Read the rest

If not now when

Sep 21st, 2019 11:54 am | By

Eric Swalwell yesterday:

Here’s the deal: don’t fall for the “if there was quid pro quo” trap. If @realDonaldTrump
told a foreign government to investigate his opponent that’s it. Game. Set. Match. He has committed a crime. If he’s innocent, he’ll release the tapes. #ReleaseTheTapes

But is it though? Is it Game. Set. Match? How? When, by what process, how? What new mechanism will come into play now that hasn’t before? Republicans will vote to impeach? Of course not. So, what then?

It should be, of course, but then so should a long list of other outrages (which is not to say this isn’t the worst outrage). Should be but never was, because oh what do you know, … Read the rest

Living his best ponytail life

Sep 21st, 2019 9:23 am | By

One from the “stupid shit” file – the deep personal importance of The Pony Tail to a trans laydee.

It starts with a photo of an actual pony tail on the head of an actual woman, I guess so that we’ll know what “Charlotte” Clymer is talking about.

When I was in kindergarten—and very much in the closet as transgender—I had begun to crave a ponytail like the ones I saw on many of the girls in my class.

Five-year-old children are not “in the closet.”

I’m well aware that for many girls and women, the ponytail is a “bare minimum” style, often for lazy days, but the girls I saw in my class emulated the women I saw

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Thumping the Ukraine theme

Sep 21st, 2019 8:49 am | By

Ed Pilkington at the Guardian wonders why the hell Giuliani is doing what he’s doing.

Giuliani began thumping the Ukraine theme in April, when he laid out his theory – some would say, conspiracy theory – on Fox News. He accused the former vice-president of using bribery to shield his son from legal peril relating to business activities in the eastern European country.

Specifically, Giuliani alleged that Biden leant on a former Ukraine president to fire a top prosecutor who had been investigating corruption within a gas company on whose board Hunter Biden then served.

A week after Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign, Giuliani blabbed to the New York Times that he had discussed the issue of

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We’re a free republic or we’re not

Sep 20th, 2019 5:45 pm | By

The Wall Street Journal on Trump and Ukraine:

President Trump in a July phone call repeatedly pressured the president of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden ’s son, according to people familiar with the matter, urging Volodymyr Zelensky about eight times to work with Rudy Giuliani on a probe that could hamper Mr. Trump’s potential 2020 opponent.

“He told him that he should work with [Mr. Giuliani] on Biden, and that people in Washington wanted to know” if his lawyer’s assertions that Mr. Biden acted improperly as vice president were true, one of the people said. Mr. Giuliani has suggested Mr. Biden’s pressure on Ukraine to fight corruption had to do with an investigation of a gas company for which

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We’re doing — we’re doing — we’re going to Mars

Sep 20th, 2019 4:57 pm | By

Onward with the Remarks. Time to talk about Spaaaaaaaaaaaaaace.

Q    Mr. Trump, can you talk about the exciting new space program to the moon, sir?  And what does that mean for both countries?

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  So we’re doing a great program.  We have — Vice President Pence is very much involved.  And we have a tremendous space program.  If you look at our facilities, they were virtually closed up.  There was crabgrass growing on the runways and now they’re vital.

And, you know, we’re doing — we’re doing — we’re going to Mars.  We’re stopping at the moon.  The moon is actually a launching pad.  That’s why we’re stopping at the moon.  I said, “Hey, we’ve done the moon. 

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In the end, it always works out

Sep 20th, 2019 4:24 pm | By

The White House transcribed today’s Remarks. Thank you, White House, because I sure didn’t want to listen to all that.

Trump says we’re “dealing with Saudi Arabia.”

So we’re dealing with many nations.  We’re dealing with some of the neighbors to Saudi Arabia.  And of course, we’re dealing with Saudi Arabia.  Saudi Arabia is very much involved, from the standpoint of what we’re doing and what they’re doing.  And we’re working together with others.

We’re also working on the cost of this whole endeavor.  And Saudi Arabia has been very generous.  We want to see if it works out.  And if it works out, that’s great.  And if it doesn’t work out, that’s great.  In the end, it always

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