A sea of racist hats

Boys will be boys. White boys will be white boys. Racist white boys will be racist white boys. Racist white boys from all-boy Catholic high schools will be racist shits, apparently.

Covington Catholic High School faced backlash on social media Saturday morning after video was posted and widely shared showing a tense incident involving indigenous marchers and a group of young men in Washington, D.C.

The video shows a young man wearing a “Make America Great Again” cap standing near and staring at a man who is drumming as other young men surrounding them cheer and chant. Some of the onlookers appear to wear clothing bearing insignia from Covington Catholic High School in Park Hills.

Covington Catholic High School is in Kentucky, near Cincinatti.


The man with the drum was participating in an Indigenous Peoples March, according to people who posted about the incident.

The boys from the Catholic school were there for the anti-women’s rights march. Of course they were. “Pro-life” my ass.

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