The light bulb and the wheel

Jan 22nd, 2020 10:01 am | By

Remember that surge of invention in the US when we came up with the light bulb and the wheel? That was great, wasn’t it?

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Honestly, they don’t have the material

Jan 22nd, 2020 9:31 am | By

“We have all the material, and WE’RE SITTING ON IT.”

Aka obstruction of justice.

The second article of impeachment.… Read the rest

Headaches and a couple of other things

Jan 22nd, 2020 6:59 am | By

Trump says traumatic brain injuries are no big deal.

On Wednesday, Trump held a press conference on his last day in Davos, Switzerland, at which CBS News White House correspondent Weijia Jiang pressed Trump about the 11 service members who were evacuated from Iraq to Kuwait and Germany with symptoms of potential brain injuries.

“Initially you said repeatedly to Americans that after Iran retaliated for the Soleimani strike, no Americans were injured,” Jiang said, and added, “We now know at least 11 US service members airlifted from Iraq.”

“Can you explain the discrepancy?” she asked.

“No, I heard that they had headaches and a couple of other things, but I would say, and I can report, it is not

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Fear and doubt is not a good thought process

Jan 21st, 2020 5:32 pm | By
Fear and doubt is not a good thought process

Trump was in Davos today, pretending to be a grownup again. “Don’t worry about climate change,” he said, on the basis of nothing.

“This is not a time for pessimism. This is a time for optimism. Fear and doubt is not a good thought process because this is a time for tremendous hope and joy and optimism and action,” Trump said in his opening address at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland.

Did they let him write it himself? That’s gibberish, and childish.

“But to embrace the possibilities of tomorrow, we must reject the perennial prophets of doom and their predictions of the apocalypse,” he continued. “They are the heirs of yesterday’s foolish fortune tellers. And

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Large amounts of data were exfiltrated

Jan 21st, 2020 3:52 pm | By

The Guardian reports:

The Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos had his mobile phone “hacked” in 2018 after receiving a WhatsApp message that had apparently been sent from the personal account of the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, sources have told the Guardian.

It was a video file from MBS’s account sent to Bezos.

Large amounts of data were exfiltrated from Bezos’s phone within hours, according to a person familiar with the matter. The Guardian has no knowledge of what was taken from the phone or how it was used.

I’m sure it was all perfectly innocent and benign.

The disclosure is likely to raise difficult questions for the kingdom about the circumstances around how US tabloid the National Enquirer

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The misconduct

Jan 21st, 2020 11:42 am | By

Schiff’s powerful opening statement.

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The ACLU is telling whoppers

Jan 21st, 2020 11:24 am | By

Oh ACLU. You are so fucked up.

Nobody is trying to “keep trans youth out of sports.” The issue is BOYS who identify as trans competing against girls. Boys should compete with other boys whether they identify as trans or not. That’s the issue, as of course you know.

And women who say that – the … Read the rest

Guest post: An Honor Culture mentality

Jan 21st, 2020 10:58 am | By

Originally a comment by Sastra on A T shirt that could cause trouble or offence.

When psychologically fragile people are encouraged to believe they have no control over their emotions and no capacity to become mentally confident and self-sufficient — and society is told that these fragile people are completely and utterly dependent on outside validation in order for them to function or indeed even continue to live — we end up with self-appointed Saviors. Someone has to step in to protect the vulnerable.

We then go from a Culture of Respect, in which self-worth is inherent and restraint and resilience are held up as ideals, to an Honor Culture mentality, in which worth is socially determined. The ability … Read the rest

A T shirt that could cause trouble or offence

Jan 21st, 2020 8:30 am | By

The new gay-basher, so like the old gay-basher.

Huh. Man approves of a bar that throws a woman out into the January night without her jacket and keys because she is wearing a pro-lesbians and gays T shirt. I guess Man is a Christian fanatic, or maybe a some other religion fanatic? Or just a secular fanatic? But anyway someone who hates lesbians and gays and is happy to see them persecuted and ostracized.

Mind you he would probably … Read the rest

The worst

Jan 20th, 2020 5:30 pm | By

Another book with further details about the horror that is Trump, this one by Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig of the Washington Post (we read an excerpt the other day):

Trump’s West Wing is tantamount to a family business and everything is personal. Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump obtain security clearances because they are kin.

After publicly punting the issue to Kelly, Trump is described as applying pressure privately. “I wish we could make this go away,” he reportedly told Kelly. “This is a problem.” Said differently, protocols and national security were treated as impediments, not safeguards, when Javanka got involved.

It’s just his personal excellent con, it’s nothing to do with the country or its people.

At a

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Stand still and count to 8

Jan 20th, 2020 4:44 pm | By

I saw this

so I had to go looking for it.

She’s not kidding. He walks up, shaking his stupid little fists, the two of them stand there with their backs turned as if at a urinal, then Trump puts a “that’s enough I’m bored” hand on Pence’s shoulder and they turn around and Trump shakes a stupid little fist again.

God I wish he would just spontaneously melt into a pool … Read the rest

What a turnout

Jan 20th, 2020 11:48 am | By

Does it make sense to call it a “peaceful protest” – let alone “incredibly” peaceful – when many or most of the people protesting are conspicuously carrying guns?

No, it doesn’t. A large gathering of men carrying assault rifles is a threat, a visible calculated threat, aka terrorism.

Threats are not “peaceful” and guns are not not-threats.

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Campaign song

Jan 20th, 2020 11:37 am | By… Read the rest

Playing soldiers with real guns

Jan 20th, 2020 10:19 am | By

More from the Hooray For Guns rally.

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Festivities have commenced

Jan 20th, 2020 10:01 am | By


Just imagine if they were not white men.

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Jenner voted for Trump

Jan 19th, 2020 5:41 pm | By

Aw, swell, just what we need.

Caitlyn Jenner is using her voice to speak out for transgender rights.

The activist and former Olympian, 70, took the stage at the Women’s March in Los Angeles on Saturday and declared her desire to change the direction the country is taking.

Oh, at the Women’s March. A man who won medals at the Olympics and killed a woman with his car “took the stage” at the Women’s March, because anything for women is always improved by having a man take over. Always.

Dressed in a white blazer, lavender skirt and heels, Jenner shared her delight to be attending her very first Women’s March.

If you report on a woman you have to … Read the rest

However, things are not so simple today

Jan 19th, 2020 4:06 pm | By

No, really? That’s not fake?

It’s not fake; I found them.




On the one hand, the sex that produces spermatazoa, and on the other hand

The traditional definition of female was “an individual of the sex that bears young” or “that produces ova or eggs”. However, things are not so simple today. Female can be defined by physical appearance, by chromosome constitution (see Female chromosome complement), or by gender identification. Female chromosome complement: The large majority of females have a 46, XX chromosome complement (46 chromosomes including two X chromosomes). A minority of females have other chromosome constitutions such as 45,X (45

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What is it to exclude?

Jan 19th, 2020 11:24 am | By

Some people were chatting about the LGB Alliance.

But what does that mean, “exclusionary”?

All groups “exclude” some people, necessarily, because if they don’t they’re just “everybody.” They may be open to all … Read the rest

Absolutely in fashion

Jan 19th, 2020 10:26 am | By

And there’s the trendy angle.

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No longer welcome

Jan 19th, 2020 9:52 am | By

This happened last night:

If we’re thinking that lesbians and gays and bisexuals should be able to have alliances and groups for lesbians and gays and bisexuals, Owen Jones is here to tell us we’re wrong to think that.

But why does “the LGBTQ movement” have to be that and only that? Why is it some kind of law of the universe that all those items belong together, and not just together but always together, and not … Read the rest