How to become a better ally

More tendentious naming and framing.

Radcliffe “voices his support for the transgender community” – and voices his hostility to the feminist community, but of course the headline doesn’t say that, because We Have Chosen Our Side, and it ain’t women.

“Transgender women are women,” Radcliffe said. “Any statement to the contrary erases the identity and dignity of transgender people.”

No it doesn’t. It’s kind of the opposite, really. Humoring people this way doesn’t really promote their dignity. It’s not promoting the dignity of people to pretend they are furries or Star Wars characters or Cleopatra, so why is it promoting their dignity to pretend they are women when in fact they are men? If adults want dignity, they have to lay aside the fantasies and pretend-games of childhood in public. If they want to be humored and indulged in their fantasies, they can’t very well claim dignity at the same time.

But even if it were true, even if Radcliffe were right that trans people’s dignity rests on everyone else’s endorsement of their fantasies, there’s still the issue of everyone else. What about the dignity of women? Why doesn’t Radcliffe pause to think about that at all? Why is it so easy for him to throw women overboard for the sake of “the transgender community”?

There’s also the fact that many tweeps are pointing out: his fame and fortune are entirely the product of JK Rowling, so…this public “do it to her not me” move is disgusting.

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