Kalluth and hootfuw

Oh but laydeez are supposed to be kiiiiiiiiiiind.

That’s like saying it’s pointlessly offensive to call a murder “homicide” in court. It’s like saying it’s pointlessly offensive to call forcible uninvited penetration “rape.” It’s like saying it’s pointlessly offensive to call Trump a liar.

The whole point of the case is that whether or not you think that Yearwood and Miller “feel” female inside, the reality remains that they have male bodies and for that reason should not be racing against girls. People who have male bodies are males, whatever they feel like inside their heads. It’s not remotely “callous and hurtful” to say that. It’s quite a lot more callous and hurtful to steal women’s medals and scholarships by claiming to be female when you’re not.

And “trans female” is not more accurate. Quite the opposite: it’s more confusing, and/or more obfuscating. Training us all to call men who say they feel like women “women” conditions us to believe that they really are women, which of course is the goal of trans activism but that doesn’t mean it should be the goal of the rest of us. The feminist move to call women “women” rather than various belittling nicknames took nothing away from anyone. The trans activist move to call men “women” – well you can see the difference without my spelling it out.

Was it “callous and hurtful” to refer to Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby as “men”? No. Why should that change just because some men like to think of themselves as women?

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