Meant to inspire

Oh nothing, just hanging a governor in effigy, just your normal Sunday outing.

What started out as a freedom-loving celebration of the Second Amendment ahead of Memorial Day turned into Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear being hanged in effigy and protesters chanting outside the governor’s mansion.

Not that that’s a very big jump. A “freedom-loving celebration of the Second Amendment” is actually a freedom-for-me violence-promoting celebration of guns and white supremacy.

The Second Amendment rally, meant to inspire people “about what it really means to be FREE,” according to Take Back Kentucky, attracted at least 100 people to the Kentucky State Capitol in Frankfort on Sunday.

Again, it’s important not to take the rhetoric at face value. Second Amendment rallies are about worship of gun violence at the hands of white men, and no one else; they’re not about rights in general or freedom in general.

Pastor Cliff Christman said that law isn’t relative, and to understand the country’s laws, one should understand Biblical law.  

“This has been one of the biggest shams in world history,” Christman said. “Grown men have been hiding in (their) homes nearly wetting their pants over this invisible enemy that nobody sees. Where is it at? Let it come out and face us. I serve the one true and living God who conquers all enemies. Why should we give our freedom and our liberties up for such fear (and) propaganda and all the garbage that is coming out of Frankfort today?”

Because more people will die if you don’t; that’s why. The virus doesn’t care about your god or your freedom or your liberties or your guns.

As the rally wound down, organizers led the remaining crowd to the governor’s mansion to attempt to hand-deliver a request for Beshear to resign. Groups carried signs reading “Abort Beshear from office” and “My rights don’t end where your fear begins” to Beshear’s home and chanted, “Come out Andy” and “Resign Andy.”

Nobody came out. Some state troopers stood around watching, and nothing in particular happened.

The crowd returned to the capitol, at which time an effigy of Beshear was hung from a tree outside the Capitol while “God Bless the U.S.A.” played over the loud speaker.

Right, God bless the USA and lynching and murder by gun. Bless bless bless.

The effigy bore a sign that read, “sic semper tyrannis,” which means “thus always to tyrants.”

No shit, Sherlock; it’s also famous as the slogan John Wilkes Booth shouted after he shot Lincoln. Proud motto of the slaveowning South!

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