Neurological Saturday outing

Furthermore, his difficulty walking and holding a glass is in fact suggestive of a medical issue.

Trump, who turned 74 on Sunday, was the oldest person ever to assume the presidency, after an election in which he questioned the health of his opponent, Hillary Clinton, notably mockingly imitating her stumble at a 9/11 memorial ceremony in New York. Speculation about Trump’s health has duly dogged his time in office.

Parenthetically – how old is Biden? 77. He turns 78 in November. Trump was the oldest at 70 so Biden if elected will beat that by eight years. He should never have run. It pisses me off.

But back to Trump.

Such speculation continued on Saturday with regard to an unscheduled visit to hospital last November, which the White House said at the time was for Trump’s annual physical. No such results have yet been published.

So it wasn’t his annual physical, was it.

Observers focused on Trump’s familiar use of two hands to drink from a bottle [glass] of water during his West Point visit.

Bandy Lee, a Yale psychiatrist and editor of The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, wrote on Twitter: “This is a persistent neurological sign that, combined with others, would be concerning enough to require a brain scan.”

Of Trump’s walk down the ramp at West Point, Lee added: “The uneven gait is something I have remarked at least since his fall visit to Walter Reed, and a forward-leaning posture is associated with the difficulty holding a cup. Note that there has not been an annual report on his health this year.”

So the forward lean may be not an attempt to hide his gut but a symptom of brain problems.

Fabulous. What could go wrong?

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