
Pink News is worse than ever.

Meet the powerful international cabal of…lesbians.

“TERF is hate speech and it’s time to condemn it,” gender-critical writer Amy Dyess announced in October 2018 – words she now regrets.

Hmm. Amy Dyess has, shall we say, picked quite a few fights with various women – fights that came out of nowhere and escalated the way a rocket escalates. I’m one of those women and I had barely interacted with her.

“TERF is a slur used to sexually harass, threaten, and silence lesbians,” continued Amy’s viral Medium post, which was liked more than 4,300 times.

Back then, Amy was connected to an international network of powerful lesbians.

Ah yes the famous international network of powerful lesbians! The one that’s secretly taking over all the things! Connected to Soros, right? Also the Illuminati? And the Freemasons? And the international communist conspiracy to infiltrate our water supply?

After a quick rundown of her former terfy beliefs, we get:

Amy, who is based in Seattle, doesn’t believe those things any more. Looking back on her time in the “gender critical” feminist movement, she is unequivocal: it’s a cult.

A cult that groomed her when she was vulnerable and sleeping in her car; a cult that sought to control her, keeping tabs on her movements and dictating what she could and couldn’t say; a cult that was emotionally and sexually abusive towards her.

Er…at that point wouldn’t you think that Vic Parsons, the author of the piece, would have brought the interview to a close and self-spiked the story? Wouldn’t you think Parsons would notice what that paragraph reeks of?

There’s a great deal more of the same, and it gets more and more horrifying in the way it exposes her. The people who thought this was a good idea should feel bad.

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