And then she said

Another day another bullying.

A gender studies professor at University of Rhode Island is facing backlash for comparing transgender people with far-right conspiracy theory-driven website QAnon, according to the Daily Mail.

Professor Donna Hughes wrote a piece for a radical feminist site. Oh the horror.

…saying that people who think they can change their gender are suffering from a “trans-sex fantasy.” Hughes also said that transgender people, just like QAnon with the right, has radicalized the left. Going further, Hughes said the left is using transgender issues to further an agenda that harms children.

“The American political left is increasingly diving headfirst into their own world of lies and fantasy and, unlike in the imaginary world of QAnon, real children are becoming actual victims,” she wrote.

Hughes taps into the prevailing anti-trans, dog-whistling rhetoric of the right…

Blah blah blah, but even the right isn’t wrong about everything – in fact the truth is that everyone agrees on most things. The parts we disagree on are a small fraction of the whole, they just seem bigger because we focus on them. If the right also thinks it’s not beneficent to tell people they can change sex and to give them hormones for that purpose, then that’s just one more thing we agree on.

Annie Russell, director of the university’s Gender and Sexuality Center, said Hughes’ comments are “beyond the pale.” Russell told The Providence Journal, “trans people are people, period.”

See? Yet another place where we agree on one thing while disagreeing on another. We too think that trans people are people! So much do we think so that we’ve never said otherwise. What else would they be? Chairs and birds and rocks don’t think they can change sex. Another thing we think though is that people who disagree with us shouldn’t cheat by implying that we don’t think trans people are people. Annie Russell is cheating by implying that Hughes would disagree with her that trans people are people. Dirty pool.

Furthermore, she added, students at the university are upset by Hughes’ comments, which are “not only outdated, it’s never been a part of the gender and women’s studies movement.”

What’s never been a part of the gender and women’s studies movement? The understanding that men are not women? If that’s the case, what the hell is women’s studies? What do those two words even mean?

University of Rhode Island issued a statement, saying, “The University does not support statements and publications by Professor Donna Hughes that espouse anti-transgender perspectives and recognize that such discourse can cause pain and discomfort for many transgender individuals.

“The University is committed to transgender rights and the need to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence aimed at transgender individuals and the LGBTQIA+ community.”

Well shame on URI for doing that. My brother’s first academic job was at URI, so I take it a bit personally. What a cowardly shitty abject thing to do.

Hughes, of course, is not happy about the backlash, problematically claiming her right to free speech is being trampled upon.

What a witless sentence. The article isn’t signed; maybe a machine wrote it.

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