Huh. That’s quite a nice salary for helping men harass women.
.@UniMelb is advertising a Gender Affirmation Advisor position that pays over $100,000 annually to "provide support to staff and students wishing to affirm their gender" and to handle "external reporting or complaint processes"
I don’t know about Melbourne, but here in the US, most professors don’t start that high. Does anyone know what qualifications are required to be a gender affirmation officer? (What a ridiculous job title.)
…to “provide support to staff and students wishing to affirm their gender” and to handle “external reporting or complaint processes”
Of course “affirming” the “gender(s)” of staff and students won’t be enough. How do you show progress with that? To justify their existence and salary, they will need to show results. That’s where the “reporting” and “complaint process” will come in handy. Reports and complaints will be encouraged. I predict an epidemic of “transphobia” will be unearthed. They’ll be able to point to the number of “cases” they handle and show results. Occasionaly, a high profile TERF will be chosen as a public lesson and example, to keep the others in line. The verdict? $100,000 well spent!
Meanwhile I work the utterly unimportant task of providing frontline healthcare in a pandemic for only slightly more than the minimum wage. But no, “gender affirmation” is clearly the more important job.
“Gender Affirmation Advisor” isn’t a title Google recognizes – it doesn’t turn up any exact matches.
I wonder if there’s ever been an academic “officer” making over 100K a year whose sole job was to issue complaints about discrimination against and harassment & bullying of women. I’ve certainly never heard of such a thing.
One 45 caliber automatic, two boxes of ammunition, four days concentrated emergency rations, one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills, one miniature combination Rooshan phrase book and Bible, one hundred dollars in rubles, one hundred dollars in gold, nine packs of chewing gum, one issue of prophylactics, three lipsticks, three pair of nylon stockings, one affirmed gender — shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.
Well, I’ve been to one world fair, a gender sensitivity training session, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard come over a set of earphones!
That’s a shitload of tax money down the drain for nothing.
I don’t know about Melbourne, but here in the US, most professors don’t start that high. Does anyone know what qualifications are required to be a gender affirmation officer? (What a ridiculous job title.)
Of course “affirming” the “gender(s)” of staff and students won’t be enough. How do you show progress with that? To justify their existence and salary, they will need to show results. That’s where the “reporting” and “complaint process” will come in handy. Reports and complaints will be encouraged. I predict an epidemic of “transphobia” will be unearthed. They’ll be able to point to the number of “cases” they handle and show results. Occasionaly, a high profile TERF will be chosen as a public lesson and example, to keep the others in line. The verdict? $100,000 well spent!
Meanwhile I work the utterly unimportant task of providing frontline healthcare in a pandemic for only slightly more than the minimum wage. But no, “gender affirmation” is clearly the more important job.
“Gender Affirmation Advisor” isn’t a title Google recognizes – it doesn’t turn up any exact matches.
I wonder if there’s ever been an academic “officer” making over 100K a year whose sole job was to issue complaints about discrimination against and harassment & bullying of women. I’ve certainly never heard of such a thing.
Just to be clear, 108,000 Australian dollars is “only” about 80K USD.
That could buy ten nights in a Trump hotel.
One 45 caliber automatic, two boxes of ammunition, four days concentrated emergency rations, one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills, one miniature combination Rooshan phrase book and Bible, one hundred dollars in rubles, one hundred dollars in gold, nine packs of chewing gum, one issue of prophylactics, three lipsticks, three pair of nylon stockings, one affirmed gender — shoot, a fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.
Look closely to spot a very young James Earl Jones.
Well, I’ve been to one world fair, a gender sensitivity training session, and a rodeo, and that’s the stupidest thing I ever heard come over a set of earphones!