Can you affirm my gender at 3 p.m. Tuesday?

Pink News rushes to the defense of J Yaniv:

Jessica Yaniv says she has received huge backlash from journalists and on social media for asking salons to give her a Brazilian wax as a trans woman, with some calling it “sexual assault.”

Is that true? For asking? Not for suing when turned down? Can it really be called “asking” when the response to “no” is a lawsuit? Looks more like demanding, to me.

Although there has been a focus on Yaniv’s requests for a Brazilian wax, she told PinkNews that the coverage “has not been fair nor accurate,” and that she was in fact requesting many different services which would be “gender-affirming” for her.

And we can be completely confident that Yaniv is telling the truth? Based on what?

Also, since when is “gender affirmation” a service that salons are required to provide? Why can’t Yaniv affirm his own goddam gender?

She said: “I reached out starting in March 2018 to businesses advertising over Facebook Marketplace gender-affirming care services like facials, haircuts, manicures, pedicures, head massage, full-body waxing, Brazilian waxing, arm waxing, leg waxing, and was refused service.”

Because it’s not possible to feel like a laydee without facials, haircuts, manicures, pedicures, head massage, full-body waxing, Brazilian waxing, arm waxing, and leg waxing? But then why be trans at all?

Yaniv provided PinkNews with screenshots of her conversation with one of the salons she has filed a complaint against.

The person from the salon said (spelling corrected for clarity): “Sorry I’m not trying to be rude or anything it’s just that I don’t feel comfortable doing this and I know you have the right it’s just that you’re a man into a lady but you’re still a man right but into a lady.”

And? Pink seems to think that’s very damning but it isn’t. Male bodies are male bodies.

In recordings heard by PinkNews, one salon told Yaniv when she enquired about the price of a wax, that she was a “fucking bastard,” and that she was “mentally sick” and that if she called again they would give her number to the police.

Could that be because Yaniv was harassing and threatening the salon?

Yaniv told PinkNews: “These are basic services that I am requesting as a transgendered person. There is no excuse nor reason that I should be denied service.”

Basic? What does he mean basic? They seem pretty extra, to me.

Yaniv said: “Trans people need these services! We’re like any other woman out there.

“To deny us these rights is denying our existence.”

No, it is not. It may be contradicting your claims about yourselves, but that’s not the same thing as denying your existence.

Pink News doesn’t give a rat’s ass about women, does it.

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