It lasted three weeks

The installation was asking for it.

An appeal for information has been launched after a sculpture in a Sheffield park created to highlight violence against women was destroyed by arsonists.

A little too on the nose, perhaps. “You oppose violence against women? Here, have some symbolic violence against women!”

The six-foot tall hexagonal installation in Ponderosa Park, in Netherthorpe, was razed during the night of August 21.

It was created by students from and funded by Sheffield’s universities to protest violence against women and was only installed three weeks before the fire at an unveiling in late July.

The wooden sculpture was handmade and included poems by members of the Our Bodies Our Streets feminist organisation in Sheffield. It was built to light up at night and project the poems in the dark in support of the Reclaim The Night movement.

Well we can’t have that.

I expect the story will soon be re-written to say that a sculpture created to highlight violence against people was destroyed by arsonists and that it was created by students from and funded by Sheffield’s universities to protest violence against people.

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