Speaking of going so far

I’m reading Joshua Rozenberg’s post on today’s hearing and I stopped to re-read one bit from the original ruling.

In a judgment he delivered at the end of 2019, Tayler held that Forstater’s belief in the difference between sex and gender was not a philosophical belief protected by the Equality Act:

I consider that the claimant’s view, in its absolutist nature, is incompatible with human dignity and fundamental rights of others. She goes so far as to deny the right of a person with a gender recognition certificate to be the sex to which they have transitioned.

Stop right there. She what? How would that even be possible? What does it mean? People in the legal profession choose their words with great care, for obvious reasons, but this statement looks like carelessness. How could Maya deny someone’s right to be one sex or the other? I mean, she could say the words, but they would be gibberish. You are one sex or the other, and rights don’t come into it.

I suppose he must have meant “She goes so far as to deny the right of a person with a gender recognition certificate to claim to be the sex to which they have transitioned,” but including the “claim to be” would have admitted too much – so instead he talked meaningless nonsense.

That’s where this warped belief system gets you – that, and allowing your young daughter to share a cabin with a bunch of boys because she claims to be a boy.

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