The scale of the plight

Don’t you know there’s a war on?!

No, wait, not a war, a closing of pubs. Same thing though! All must do their duty.

Pubs and bars will be allowed to serve customers indoors from Monday (17th May) after a long third lockdown which has seen many pubs struggle to survive.

According to the latest estimates some 2,500 pubs have already shut during lockdown, with many others facing an uphill battle to recoup losses as the economy opens up.

Campaigners have produced a ‘Your Local Pub Needs You’ poster urging revellers to get their hands in their pockets to save the UK’s 40,000 boozers.

In other words, pour more alcohol down your throats, it’s a public good!

They are calling on Brits to sup 124 pints to give the industry the £25.66 billion cash boost it needs to get back to pre-pandemic income levels.

It highlights the scale of the plight facing Britain’s bars following lockdown.

A poster released to support the campaign states: “The average pub will need each customer to spend an additional £382 this year to combat the impact that Covid has had on the sector.

“Thank you for doing your bit!’’

Yes thank you for growing potatoes joining the Home Guard saving paper drinking gallons of beer!

This is moronic. Alcohol isn’t a necessity of life, and in fact it can be quite unhealthy for the consumer and for the consumer’s dependents. There are more pressing needs than the need to save all the pubs by swallowing oceans of beer.

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