Then what is any of anyone’s business?

No, that’s not right.

There are a lot of reasons it’s not right, but to take just one central one – that amounts to telling women that “gender” is none of our business, that the social rules and constraints imposed on women are none of our business, that the perceived inferiority and subordinate nature of women is none of our business, that feminism is none of our business. That claim is obviously absurd, and also obviously insulting. She might as well tell workers that unions are none of their business.

It’s especially repellent because she is a graduate student in philosophy. If gender is none of women’s business then everything is none of philosophy’s business – so what is she doing getting a PhD in philosophy?

She specializes in this kind of curt, smart-ass quippery instead of actual thought or argument, and it’s one of the more annoying things about her.

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