We can treat people with respect

The College Fix wrote about the Carol Hooven/Laura Simone Lewis clash on Twitter a couple of weeks ago:

“I am appalled and frustrated by the transphobic and harmful remarks made by a member of my dept,” wrote Laura Simone Lewis following the appearance by Human Evolutionary Biology colleague Carole Hooven on “Fox & Friends.”

Lewis continued: “Let’s be clear: if you respect diverse gender identities & aim to use correct pronouns, then you would know that people with diverse genders/sexes can be pregnant incl Trans [sic] men, intersex people & gender nonconforming people. That isn’t too hard for medical students to understand.”

Yes let’s be clear. People with “diverse sexes” can’t be pregnant. Only one of the two sexes can be pregnant. That’s how you be clear. You don’t be clear by trying to get a man pregnant.

‘You know, we can treat people with respect and respect their gender identities and use their preferred pronouns,’ [Hooven] said on Wednesday.

‘So understanding the facts about biology doesn’t prevent us from treating people with respect.’

I have to say though – it’s not really treating people with respect. It’s more the opposite. It’s treating people as too fragile (or stupid or self-indulgent or something) to be able to face reality, so you decide to humor their delusions so that they don’t fall apart in front of you. Does that sound like respect to you?

Or you might be treating them with fear as opposed to respect. You might humor their delusions because if you don’t they will get you fired or otherwise punished, so you do what they bullied you into doing. That too is not respect. It’s respect in the Vito Corleone sense maybe, but who wants that?

Would it be respect for academics to refer to their students as kittens or bears or space aliens because the students are so addicted to fantasy that they can’t stand being human? Hardly.

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