An entire vocabulary has evolved

Jun 14th, 2022 5:17 pm | By

It’s not just the Yale philosophy department (or one member of it). Yale Medicine advertises its “Transgender Glossary: Terms You Can Learn” on Facebook. It was published in March.

An entire vocabulary has evolved around people who are transgender, and if you’re not familiar with the latest terms, you can easily hurt someone’s feelings, even if that’s not your intention. Figuring out a person’s terms can be challenging—the lexicon includes words with meanings that have changed over time and could change again. And because each transgender person is navigating their own path, the best words to use in a conversation with them could vary depending on their circumstances.

It’s funny how no other oppressed or marginalized group has ever made … Read the rest

Right and left

Jun 14th, 2022 4:18 pm | By

It turns out there’s a downside to setting up a bomb factory in your house.

A man’s arms were blown off by an explosion at a property that had allegedly been stuffed with an arsenal of guns, ammunition and bombs.


The victim, who is in his 30s, was reportedly left in critical condition after the blast at around 3:10 p.m. in Warren, Michigan, on Saturday, June 11.

The explosion ripped apart the garage with a subsequent fire engulfing other parts of the house on the 20700 block of Gentner Street, Warren Police Commissioner William Dwyer said.

It’s almost as if all this playing terrorist nonsense is a danger to other people as well as the bomb-maker they-self. I … Read the rest

Guest post: The simple accusation of “bigotry”

Jun 14th, 2022 11:46 am | By

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on None of the above.

It is a movement full of people who think that because bigots accuse the group of various misbehaviors, anybody accusing them as individuals of that behavior can be dismissed as a bigot, thus giving them some cover to act according to the stereotype.

One of Jason Stanley’s twitter-troll defenders has pointed out, in reference to Jane Clare Jones that “most scholars don’t have PowerPoints on hand to explain why they aren’t Nazis.”

So one is supposed to stay silent in the face of baseless accusations? Because no genderist has EVER made unfounded claims of hatred, violence and trans-genocide. They would NEVER do that. Never ever. … Read the rest

Which ones?

Jun 14th, 2022 11:34 am | By

No not that kind of Christian:

A growing number of prominent Christian leaders are sounding alarms about threats to democracy posed by ReAwaken America rallies where Donald Trump loyalists Michael Flynn and Roger Stone and rightwing pastors have spread misinformation about the 2020 elections and Covid-19 vaccines, and distorted Christian teachings.

But of course “Christian teachings” is a very large, and mixed, category. Many Christian teachings fit right in with people like Flynn and Stone and even Trump.

Several well-known Christian leaders, including the president of the Christian social justice group Sojourners and the executive director of a major Baptist group, have called on American churches to speak out against the messages promoted at ReAwaken America rallies that have

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Woman Not

Jun 14th, 2022 10:07 am | By

The Art Newspaper reports:

Unveiled as part of this year’s Parcours section at Art Basel is a work being described as the first ever public sculpture depicting a nude, openly trans woman. Designed by the American trans artist Puppies Puppies (aka Jade Guanaro Kuriki-Olivo), the work is a life-sized bronze statue in the tradition of classical sculpture, based on a 3D scan of the artist’s body. Written on the work’s plinth is the word: “woman”.

This statue:

Not “Woman”.

“Trans women are erased, murdered, arrested and exiled every day,” Kuriki-Olivo says. “When you look at trans history you see so many blank spots which can only be recovered through storytelling. In this context, my continued existence is revolutionary,

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What irreversible really means

Jun 14th, 2022 9:00 am | By

I thought about doing a post on TullipR’s thread yesterday but it’s so grim I couldn’t face it.

It’s a detransition story, and it’s painful to read…because it’s so beyond painful to experience.

This is what’s being called “affirmation” and urged on distraught teenagers who aren’t equipped to understand all the consequences.… Read the rest

Most people have a successful pregnancy

Jun 14th, 2022 8:48 am | By

It’s often pointed out that one area of life that needs to be absolutely clear about who is a woman is medical care, including pregnancy.

The NHS on miscarriages:

In most cases, a miscarriage is a one-off event and most people go on to have a successful pregnancy in the future.

Among people who know they’re pregnant, it’s estimated about 1 in 8 pregnancies will end in miscarriage.

Many more miscarriages happen before a person is even aware they’re pregnant.

Losing 3 or more pregnancies in a row (recurrent miscarriages) is uncommon and only affects around 1 in 100 people

The words “woman” and “women” don’t appear once on that page.

H/t Milli Hill… Read the rest

None of the above

Jun 13th, 2022 5:58 pm | By

When the choice is between Proud Boys and Drag Queen Story Hour:

Authorities in the San Francisco Bay area are investigating a possible hate crime after a group of men stormed into a library where a drag queen was hosting a children’s reading event, and allegedly shouted homophobic and anti-LGBTQ+ slurs.

Why do children’s reading events need drag queens?

I suppose it could be like the old panto Dame, or Edna Everidge, but we’ve seen too many reports of such “reading events” that were not that. I don’t think there’s really any burning need for drag queens to do events at the children’s section of the library.

But I certainly don’t want Proud Boys to be the ones making … Read the rest

Guest post: The Maginot line de nos jours

Jun 13th, 2022 3:03 pm | By

Originally a comment by Djolaman on Rock climbing without ropes.

There’s a trope about militaries building their strategy for any war according to what worked or conspicuously didn’t in the last war, based on the people in charge often having been in more junior roles learning how things worked at the time. Examples include the US treating Vietnam as a rerun of Korea and coming unstuck very badly, or the French preparing the Maginot line to deal with another iteration of world war 1 and finding it was utterly unsuited to the technological and tactical advances that had taken place by thectime world war 2 broke out.

To a great extent we see what we expect to see, and … Read the rest

Perjury or off in the clouds?

Jun 13th, 2022 11:29 am | By

So Trump casually said his daughter committed perjury when she testified the other day. Dear ol’ dad.

During an appearance on MSNBC on Sunday afternoon, Mary Trump claimed that her uncle Donald’s dismissive comment that daughter Ivanka had “checked out” when he tried to undermine her taped testimony before the House select committee investigating the Jan 6th insurrection could be taken as an accusation she perjured herself.

Trump lashed out on TruthSocial at the hearing and included his daughter in his criticism claiming, “Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results,” adding she, “had long since checked out, and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his

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Guest post: The league tables effect

Jun 13th, 2022 10:51 am | By

Originally a comment by Colin Daniels on Many other women and girls.

Obviously this has been going for a very long time but here in the UK the situation was exacerbated a decade or two ago when the government introduced “league tables”, ostensibly to give the public a measure of how well various institutions were performing. They did it for things like education, health and policing.

What happened, in fact, was that institutions began to focus their efforts in areas that pushed them up the table, in order to increase the funding that they received. “Problem” children, that are difficult to teach; patients, that are difficult to treat; and cases, that are difficult to prosecute, are ignored in favour … Read the rest

With a liberal sensibility

Jun 13th, 2022 9:34 am | By

Matt Taibbi talks to Kara Dansky:

Kara Dansky, a former WoLF board member and the author of The Abolition of Sex, may be the most outspoken feminist in America when it comes to criticizing popular current beliefs about gender identity. A former ACLU public defender, she’s focused heavily on the presence of biological men in women’s jails, and for her troubles has been essentially booted out of mainstream progressive politics.

Taibbi admits having sat on an interview with Dansky for months because of fear of we know very well what. He apologizes for doing that.

Matt Taibbi: I’ve known some people who identified as trans or as women in my life, who wanted to be called she. As somebody

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Rock climbing without ropes

Jun 13th, 2022 7:43 am | By

Hadley Freeman writes:

Young people have always believed that they know better than the older generation, and now the older generation agrees with them. Middle-aged and experienced editors working in journalism and publishing live in fear of printing something that might displease the twenty-somethings who work in their company’s digital and publicity departments. Parents defer to their teenaged children about the correct languages to use and opinions to hold.

There was that chunk of time when, broadly speaking, the younger generation did know better about some things. The Civil Rights movement, opposition the the war on Vietnam, the return of feminism, the LGB rights movement were all partly generational conflicts. That background left practically everyone with an impression that … Read the rest

He didn’t know he knew he knew

Jun 12th, 2022 6:05 pm | By

Raskin says he knew.

I don’t disagree with any of that, it’s just that I think Trump is peculiarly skilled at going on believing what he already believes no matter what other people are telling him – skilled at not listening, in short. He simply pays no attention to things people say that are inconvenient to him, apart from blasting them with dragon breath. He ignores them, in short. That is not a legal defense, I’m pretty sure.

“Barr … Read the rest

There is a word

Jun 12th, 2022 5:41 pm | By

The Times has noticed the ACLU’s determination to erase women from abortion rights.

The American Civil Liberties Union, whose advocacy on reproductive rights is of more than a half-century vintage, recently tweeted its alarm about the precarious state of legal abortion:

“Abortion bans disproportionately harm: Black Indigenous and other people of color. The L.G.B.T.Q. community. Immigrants. Young people. Those working to make ends meet. People with disabilities. Protecting abortion access is an urgent matter of racial and economic justice.”

But nothing to do with women. It’s not just the ACLU, the Times correctly points out.

From Planned Parenthood to NARAL Pro-Choice America to the American Medical Association to city and state health departments and younger activists, the word “women” has

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Willful blindness

Jun 12th, 2022 11:58 am | By

Seeking pre-emptive pardons may turn out to be a mistake.

The House select committee investigating the Capitol attack revealed at its inaugural hearing that Donald Trump’s top Republican allies in Congress sought pardons after the January 6 insurrection, a major disclosure that bolstered the claim that the event amounted to a coup and is likely to cause serious scrutiny for those implicated.

Why? Because “Pardons for what, Senator?”

The news that multiple House Republicans asked the Trump White House for pardons – an apparent consciousness of guilt – was one of three revelations portending potentially perilous legal and political moments to come for Trump and his allies.

Note to journalists: don’t ever write a sentence with “portending potentially perilous” in … Read the rest

How not to brace

Jun 12th, 2022 11:42 am | By

What’s wrong with this picture?

Too easy. The story is about a heatwave. What do you do in a heatwave? Try to stay as cool as possible. What do you not do? Lie in the sun in a bathing suit.… Read the rest

Sleaze wants some respect

Jun 12th, 2022 11:13 am | By

Well of course he does. He always did. He didn’t want to be bounced out in the first place. We all want nice things, but that doesn’t mean we always get to have them.

The Duke of York has asked the Queen to be reinstated as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards, The Telegraph understands, as he pushes for a return to royal duties.

But he was uninstated for a reason, so it seems pretty toddleresque to whine at Paddington Bear’s friend to let him come back. Has he taken to lying on the floor drumming his heels and screaming?

A source said: “The colonelcy of the Grenadier Guards was his most coveted title and he wants it back.

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Guest post: They have the reified “gender identity”

Jun 12th, 2022 9:32 am | By

Originally a comment by Papito on What kind of “experts”?

Experts said that in today’s world, children must fight against the devil for their souls even while they’re asleep.

Really, what’s the difference?

The difference is that the believers in gender ideology have so completely captured the media elite that, though a reporter may question whether children have “souls,” none may question whether children have “gender identity.”

A reporter who went on NPR or wrote in the Times about how today’s children had to guard their souls against the devil would be seen as religious, and the media organization would fence them in with a counterpoint. No counterpoint is allowed for the hundreds of times a week they assert that … Read the rest

Riot gear and a smoke grenade

Jun 12th, 2022 7:51 am | By

I guess “white supremacist” is a kind of all-purpose political orientation that starts with hating everyone? A group of them were interrupted at a Pride parade in Idaho.

Police in the US state of Idaho have arrested 31 members of a white supremacist group and charged them with plotting to riot at a gay pride event.

Someone saw them piling into a truck with shields and masks, and called the cops.

The vehicle was soon stopped, and the men – members of the Patriot Front group – were arrested.

“They came to riot downtown,” Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said.

He added that riot gear and a smoke grenade were found in the vehicle.

The lorry was stopped

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