Deliberate and calculated

So this is who Craig Murray is. The BBC March 25, a mere three weeks ago:

A former diplomat has lost a legal challenge against a jail sentence imposed on him over blogs he wrote about the trial of Alex Salmond.

Craig Murray posted a series of articles online about the former first minister’s high court case in 2020.

He was jailed for eight months for contempt of court after prosecutors raised concerns that complainers could be identified by his writing.

The 63-year-old served four months in prison before being granted parole.

So his verbal abuse of the lunch-having women wasn’t a one-off but part of a pattern.

Scotland’s senior judge, the Lord Justice General Lord Carloway, said: “The petitioner (Murray) is an intelligent person whose actions were deliberate and calculated. They clearly showed contempt for the court’s order and for the rule of law. They created serious risks for the complainers’ mental and physical health.”

Lord Carloway said the contempt committed by Murray was of “very great gravity”. He added: “The petitioner deliberately set out to publish information likely to lead to the identification of the complainers and did so.

“The revelation of the identities of the complainers would be likely to result in considerable abuse and harassment (particularly on social media) against them. There was a real danger that they would be physically harmed.”

So now he’s taking his revenge on JKR and her lunch guests. What a horrible man.

Trial judge Lady Dorrian had made an order during the trial to prohibit the identity of the women involved – or any information which could lead to them being identified – from being disclosed.

During the virtual sentencing, Lady Dorian said Murray knew there were court orders giving the women anonymity and he was “relishing” the potential disclosure of their identities.

She said Murray deliberately risked jigsaw identification and that revealing complainers’ identities was “abhorrent”.

Murray was told the posts could lead to the identification of the women, but he left them up, unredacted.

H/t KB Player

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