Drown out the women’s voices
There was a Woman’s Place UK meeting in Manchester tonight. Apparently the usual happened.
Of course there were men with megaphones outside. Can’t let women talk unopposed.
Imagine this was a trans meeting in Manchester tonight.
Do you think for a moment the reaction would be symmetrical or barely recognisable to what we've seen tonight?
The indulgence offered to angry sexless bourgeoise mantra chanting misfits is quite something.
— Dennis Noel Kavanagh (@Jebadoo2) March 24, 2022
Women gathering to discuss our rights are being subject to a large, aggressive protest. In 2022. Please follow #WPUKManchester and share so that people can see what women have to put up with when trying to meet.
— Woman’s Place UK (@Womans_Place_UK) March 24, 2022
We support the right to protest. But the right to harass, intimidate, abuse or silence? No. Aggressive protestors attempting to drown out women's voices at #WPUKManchester tonight
— Woman’s Place UK (@Womans_Place_UK) March 24, 2022
Protesting AGAINST Women's rights.
Shouting over Women, including survivors
Lying about @Womans_Place_UK
Shame on you.
Shame on you.
SHAME on you. #WPUKManchester https://t.co/PqeEZ6j3r0— FiLiA (@FiLiA_charity) March 24, 2022
Your spiritual brothers in the Taliban and Islamic Republic salute those trying to stop women freely meeting and speaking in Manchester tonight #WPUKManchester
— TAFKAMacM (@TAFKAMacM) March 24, 2022
I only see one hate group, and it’s not the women holding the meeting.
Well, the bad news is that this crap, just like Trumpism, is going to be with us for the rest of our lives.
The “good” news is that the way things are going the rest of our lives is probably not going to take very long…
For cripes’ sake they can’t even get “colonialist” right. It’s in Manchester. Manchester, England. England hasn’t been a colony since the Danelaw. Lord have Mercia.
And before the English colonial state, nobody knew what sex was, apparently.
I cannot discern what they are shouting in either video clip. They certainly are LOUD, though.
I think it’s
“Protect trans youth” and
“Women’s Place UK are the place for hate”, somewhat ungrammatically.
“Lord have Mercia.”