
When in doubt, bully women some more.

Since the Taliban returned to power in August 2021, they have issued various edicts restricting the freedom of women – banning them from government jobs, secondary education and from traveling more than 45 miles (72km) without a mahram, or male guardian.

Some women in Afghanistan say the edict about the use of face veils is just the latest attack on their human rights.

Well what else would it be? A defense of their human rights?

Herat University graduate Najma thinks it’s time the international community did more to put pressure on the Taliban when it comes to women’s rights.

Whatever “the international community” may be. Russia? Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan? North Korea? China?

“It breaks my heart, I feel so weak because I feel I have no option other than to obey these stupid rules,” she says.

“I cannot describe how bad this situation is, they are pressuring women and girls and putting us in a cage.”

Identify as a man. That should take care of it.

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