Guest post: Force-fed the dominant dogma

Originally a comment by Papito on Blowback for booking.

I horrified some tween girls (among whom, my daughter) the other day by saying just that: “There is no LGBTQIA+ community.”

They were stunned. They had never heard anybody say that before. They kept asking me if I’m an ally. I kept asking them what that means. And I told them that none of my gay friends want me to call myself an “ally,” because they think the word is stupid. They’re gay. I’m not. They’re my friends. That doesn’t make me special in any way. I don’t need a word for that.

The other parents with me backed me up. They’re old enough to remember history too. They pointed out that there is a gay community. And there is a lesbian community. And the two don’t really mix much. They pointed out that the two communities cooperate much more these days, after the AIDS crisis, when some of the only people who would take care of many dying gay men were lesbians. But it’s still not one community, it’s two communities that cooperate sometimes. The LGBTQIA+ (let’s just call it QUILTBAG) community is an absolute fabrication, and what’s more it was created for the benefit of people who aren’t even gay or lesbian. On the backs of people who are gay and lesbian. Look at the hatred about lesbian hiking groups. Look at all the apps that won’t let a person say they’re “same-sex attracted” anymore. That’s not a community, that’s subjugation.

All the other letters in the QUILTBAG are forced on those two communities. Sometimes people in those communities accept folks claiming other letters, sometimes not (I have friends who say they wouldn’t even talk to a guy who described himself as “queer,” let alone date him).

All this is what I told those tween girls. Because they have all already been force-fed the dominant dogma and didn’t have a choice in that. Sooner rather than later they should be able to hear different viewpoints. And the trans fad is coming for them.

In High School, they’ll either be part of the quiltbag or people will call them names. Every girl who is a tween now will have a classmate in High School who suddenly claims to be a boy. And they will bully other girls into agreeing they are, and are better for it, and if they don’t there’s names for that. At one school I know you can’t even attend the quiltbag group unless you claim an alternate sexuality or gender identity. And if you don’t… ya basic. Take your basic flag of black and white stripes and, no, wait, you can’t even have that, because it’s hateful. You get no flag, you just get insults and exonyms.

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