Guest post: The Queer and the Sincere

Originally a comment by Sastra on Wielding their imagined marginalization as a weapon.

Those who have been marginalized want to leave their enforced marginalization behind; those who marginalize themselves (or who falsely claim to have been marginalized, like white males, claiming the plight of Black trans prostitutes in Brazil as their own), wield their imagined marginalization as a weapon, using it as leverage to gain special status and privilege on a permanent, continuing basis.

Yet those who falsely claim to have been marginalized may not be aware that their claim is false. I suspect the group of trans-identified males is a philosophically mixed lot, divided between those who come at their transness from the postmodernist Queer Theory break-the-boundaries perspective and those who have fallen for the idea that they themselves are a woman trapped in a man’s body and it’s just pure torture.

Both enjoy using their marginalization as a weapon, but the target may be slightly different. The Queers want to run over those they perceive to be “normal” for the wider social purpose of eliminating the boundaries between male and female, gay and straight, normal and abnormal. The Sincere want to run over those who won’t let them be and do what they want for the wider social purpose of allowing people to be and do what they want.

Ironically, the means (I’m oppressed, obey me) may have become the ends, given that power corrupts. Gay rights didn’t involve making such drastic demands, so the effort involved in getting people on board trans rights has taken on a life of its own. I think you’re right and that many, drunk on power, will take their marginalization and move on to the next target. But I suspect that’s not the feature, but a taking-control bug taking control of the entire project.

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