Language does matter

More precision or less precision? It depends on who is talking.

A transgender science teacher has become the subject of criticism after a video of him insisting it was important to “clean up” language, like “women produce eggs” and “males are more likely to be colorblind,” in order to be more “accurate” and “precise,” resurfaced from a webinar series held earlier this year.

Sam Long, an activist for “gender-inclusive” policies and “trans/non-binary” educators, teaches science at Denver South High School, part of the Denver Public Schools (DPS) system. Long, along with other science teachers, has previously spent time establishing “gender-inclusive biology” curriculum resources, which he promotes to educators across the country.

Science teachers teaching magical nonsense.

During an April webinar series “to address hot topics that are on the top of educators’ minds,” hosted by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE), Long argued it wasn’t the most “accurate” or “precise” statement to say it’s “women who produce eggs.” Rather, Long argued, it was more “precise” to say, “it’s ovaries that produce eggs.”

And it’s only women, women only, who have ovaries.

“We’re acknowledging that not all women produce eggs and also not all egg producers are women,” Long says during the webinar. “We’re teaching students that language matters. We’re not just talking about imaginary people,” he continued.

Language does matter, and it’s a lie that not all egg producers are women. Yes all egg producers are women. Schools should not be teaching lies in science class. Literature class (should they have such a thing) are closely related to fiction, so truth and falsehood are not really relevant, but in science classes, this kind of deliberate bullshitting should be expelled.

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