Living virtually

Jennifer Bilek talks about gender ideology as corporate fiction:

The creation of this corporate fiction is one step toward attempting to overlay a virtual reality onto the natural world and to construct a religion out of technology.  Elites at the highest levels of our technocracy have been speaking about technologies so advanced that they provide us with god-like qualities for at least fifty years, probably longer. 

Ring a bell? Sound like Elon Musk at all with his cheery plans to move humans to Mars?

The current iteration of this ideology, established by the technocracy we live in, is meant to ensconce us in a virtual or cyber world to which the natural world is subjugated. With its massive propaganda apparatus, it has only taken a decade to convince the populace that there is a unique type of human, untethered to the biosphere like the rest of us, mere “biological people.”

Let’s just put the magic helmet on and spend the rest of our lives dreaming.

Corporationsbanks, international investment housesgovernmentslegal institutions, and influential non-governmental organizations (NGOs) market the idea that we are not a sexually dimorphic species. They don’t care about the identity issues of a minuscule part of the population. It is patently ridiculous to think so.  They are marketing disembodiment. “Gender,” currently being promoted as a revolutionary human rights movement to set us free, is an industry posing as social progress for the people.  It seeks to deconstruct human reproductive sex for profit and human engineering. It is posited that our freedom will emerge when technology takes over where human reproduction ends. When this purported dead weight of human reproduction ends, male & female will be obsolete. We can then live as our “authentic selves” beyond male and female, youth and adult, beyond material existence and its limitations.

I know little or nothing about this but it’s an interesting thought. It sounds like Avatar. I found Avatar extremely creepy and gruesome, a geeky boys’ fantasy run amok. Yay we can sit comfortably on flying horses without being snapped off by physical forces because it’s all just a video game we live in forever. Who the hell wants to?

Maybe the gender-is-magic people do.

The male sexual fetish of transsexualism, a compulsion to own female biology for oneself, has been rebranded to “transgenderism” because a male fetish would be a tough sell to any population.  “Transgender” sounds cool and edgy & feels mutinous for teens filled with the rebellious spirit of youth who are clueless about the repercussions of being sterilized by the drugs & surgeries being marketed to them. Claiming synthetic sex, a corporately manufactured illusion, has become the medical-tech generation’s counterpart to getting a secret tattoo.  These kids adopting synthetic sex identities have grown up online with cyber identities & have had their personalities medicalized since they were old enough to talk, while previous generations were out exploring the real world.

It sounds horribly plausible, doesn’t it.

Technocratic elites have spent years discussing the virtual reality they seek to create. We will be enclosed and connected to everything and everyone else via bodiless minds without any roots in the biosphere.  Elon Musk promotes his Neuralink, Ray Kurzweil, a Singularity, Martine Rothblatt’s Terasem movement, and Lifenaut organizations tout immortality in cyberspace. Mark Zuckerberg promises a utopia in his Metaverse, and Yuval Harari’s technological god will rid us of the cumbersome world of nature for something much more significant.  Elites and corporations are investing in humans framed as otherworldly and not like the rest of us, rooted in biology, because they see profits and believe this is our future. The fascination of elites in “gender ideology” takes on a new light when seen in context. 

A lurid new light. To repeat, I know little or nothing about this, but I think there’s at least something to it. It’s pretty grim.

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