Proud to trample over women

It never ceases to amaze, the smugness, the shy self-flattery, the absolute indifference to the concerns and rights of women.

He will be (and was) proud to vote to take rights away from women and hand them over to men. What a thing to be proud of.

He starts from the position that, as a socialist, he believes in equality. What does equality have to do with pretending that some men are women? What does it have to do with ignoring all the women who object?

“Trans people are among the most discriminated against,” he sermonizes, while ignoring the fact that women are at least as “discriminated against” as men who call themselves women. Those men will never be forced to keep a pregnancy they don’t want or to give birth when they don’t want to; they will never be charged with a crime for having a miscarriage, or need to travel hundreds of miles to end an unwanted pregnancy.

Of course “trans rights are human rights,” because trans people are human, so they have human rights – but if he means new and peculiar “rights” like forcing everyone to agree they are women: those are not genuine rights.

He says he would never support anything that he believes would deny or undermine women’s rights…but it’s not his call, is it. Our rights are not his to give away, are they. He doesn’t give a shit, but he does want everyone to think he does. What courage.

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