Smirky little goon

This is not just snide, it’s stupid and wrong.

JoAnne Harris is a novelist and the Chair of the Society of Authors. Some members of that society think it’s crappy that such a snide cheerleader for trans ideology is in that role.

As for the substance of her comment: nobody is claiming Rowling gave Daniel Radcliffe a job or that he has to share her beliefs out of gratitude. The point is that he would be a nobody if it were not for Rowling: her Potter books and the cult around them are why the films were made. The point is not that he has to agree with her but that he could just shut up about her. It’s not a general rule, it’s certainly not a law, it’s just a feeling that in the circumstances it’s ugly and kind of misogynist for him to keep trash-talking about her. If she were a Nazi or a Trump supporter I wouldn’t say that, but the hysterical martyrdom frenzy over trans women is a very different kind of controversy, and I think he could just figure that out and then button his lip.

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