T shirt indoctrination

This garbage again. Boys are to be ambitious and strong, girls are to be humble and kind. It might as well be shirts marketed to slave-owners and slaves respectively.

A bestselling author has criticised Primark over a “sexist” children’s clothing line that encourages girls to be “grateful”, “humble” and “always perfect” while telling boys to be more assertive.

Kate Long, a teacher and novelist, condemned the “hugely sexist messaging” she found emblazoned on many of the retailer’s clothes for children. On a visit to a Primark in Chester, Long found tops for girls that had printed on them phrases such as: “Be kind”, “Kindness always wins”, “Grateful, humble and optimistic” and “Be good, do good”.

The messages displayed on boys’ clothing encouraged them to be more ambitious and self-assured. One read: “Change the game. Rewrite the rules. Go for it. Born to win.” Another read: “Explore. Nothing holding you back,” and a third said: “You are limitless.”

It could hardly be more unabashedly sexist if it sat down and worked out a plan.

No doubt the people who design this shit and the people who sell it will say it’s what parents want, but I don’t believe that. It’s not written in the stars that shirts have to have Messages written on them in the first place, and if you’re going to insist on putting Messages on shirts there are surely plenty of exhortations that are gender-neutral. Boys should be kind too after all, and girls should reach for the stars.

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