Love? She calls it love? She calls a malicious lie about lesbians at Pride “love”?
On Twitter right now: the leader of a trade union condemning peaceful protests; the former leader of the Green Party denouncing a protest at the abolition of a same-sex institution in her own ward; the leader of a Welsh council reviling lesbians for asserting their homosexuality.
But the time for that is over. When the leader of Vale of Glamorgan council blocks gay people for pointing out that lesbians have the right to be lesbians, she has taken the side of the bullies.
This whole moronic morass really makes me appreciate a bit of cold, callous, pitiless pedantry, as it illustrates the danger hidden within politely letting people’s crimes against language and logic go unchallenged and uncorrected.
This whole moronic morass really makes me appreciate a bit of cold, callous, pitiless pedantry, as it illustrates the danger hidden within politely letting people’s crimes against language and logic go unchallenged and uncorrected.