To be who they are
The return of The Soul:
“Who people are” is no longer who they literally are, but who they mystically are.
Who people are isn’t the dull material facts of date of birth, parentage, history, sex, education, skills – that’s all so yesterday. Now who people are is who they think they are inside their heads. The fun about that is that it can be literally anything. We can imagine ourselves mountains, planets, dragons, erupting volcanoes, melted candles.

TWAW! and you must agree and get my pronouns right. Who are the ones forcing people to conform here?
To my mind the selfhood question was definitively stated by the early 20th century American philosopher P. Sailorman: “I yam what I yam and that’s all what I yam.”
I beg to differ. I’m not sure identifying as a tuber is the best choice here.
This must be addressed in a debate. Tuber, or Not Tuber: That Is the Question.
I sweet potato what I sweet potato.
Get ‘er right, dammit.