Furling the trans umbrella

I missed the news that Nancy Kelley is leaving Stonewall.

Nancy Kelley, head of the divisive charity Stonewall, announced earlier this week on Twitter that she is to step down from the role. Her post on Monday stated that while the job hasn’t “always been a pleasure”, leading Europe’s largest LGBTQIA+ organisation “has surely been a privilege”. 

But under her leadership Stonewall morphed into a TQ organization with extra added misogyny.

Over her three years in the post, Kelley brought a smorgasbord of hitherto unrepresented identities under the organisation’s “trans umbrella”. Perhaps spokespeople from the asexual, pansexual, demisexual and allosexual communities will be sad to see her go. But it’s fair to say that many homosexuals who once turned to Stonewall for guidance are cheered by the news of her departure. 

Dennis Kavanagh, a longstanding critic of Kelley and executive director of the Gay Men’s Network, said that she had “promised dialogue and big tent politics” but instead “delivered ideological division and controversy”.

Now people are thinking maybe she didn’t jump, maybe she was pushed.

That Sky News interview where the guy from Stonewall distances the group from just abut every position they held under Nancy is all the proof we need to know she was ousted and Stonewall is moving away from the trans nonsense. It’s too late for @stonewalluk of course, they’re cooked. But yet another data point that a seismic shift in attitudes is occuring on this issue, something most GC ppl on here have intuited for a while now

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