Further tightened
Pakistan makes its “blasphemy” laws even worse:
Pakistan has further tightened its strict blasphemy laws by extending the punishment to those who are convicted for insulting religious figures connected to prophet Muhammad.
Of course such figures can’t be “insulted” since they died many centuries ago.
The Pakistan National Assembly unanimously passed the Criminal Laws (Amendment) Bill which will not only widen the ambit of the law, but increase punishment and fines for those convicted under it.
Because more religious fanaticism and sadism is always better, yeah?
In Pakistan, an insult to the prophet Muhammad or Islam carries a potential death sentence. The laws have also been used to persecute and target minority faiths and sections in the Muslim-majority country.
Under the law, those convicted of insulting the prophet’s wives, companions or close relatives will face 10 years in prison or life imprisonment, along with a fine of Rs 1m Pakistani rupees ($4,500 or £3,489). It also makes blasphemy charges a non-bailable offence.
You can’t insult them, they’re long dead!

If they even existed at all…I’m not saying Mo didn’t exist. I don’t know. But I’m willing to bet he didn’t talk to angels (except maybe in his own mind).
And besides, who cares? If he’s insulted, so what? Ignore it and move on. It’s someone else’s opinion, and does you no harm.
What they’re really worried about is that it’s insulting to THEM, and that it makes THEM unhappy. It has no more substance in real harm than trans activists ‘literal violence’.
When I see a disproportionate reaction like that, I wonder if they’re not at all certain of their position, and, lacking actual evidence, have to resort to threats. In other words, their violence doesn’t prove the strength of their convictions, but rather betrays their lurking uncertainty.
I’ll let you contemplate whether “they” in my first sentence refers to Islamists or trans activists.
What would be the penalty for misgendering the Prophet and Pals?
That makes every Shia Muslim subject to execution by Sunnis.
And every Sunni Muslim subject to execution by Shia.