Greasing the wheels

Walter Shapiro in The New Republic:

Maybe I’m expecting too much from Biden, but a small incident recently reported by Annie Linskey in The Wall Street Journal troubled me. Toward the end of a nuanced article about the president’s many, many ties to the University of Pennsylvania, Linskey revealed that one of Hunter Biden’s daughters was rejected for early admission to Penn in 2019. That setback prompted Biden—then a private citizen about to declare for the presidency—to speak to the dean of admissions at Penn. Probably not coincidentally, Biden’s granddaughter ended up among the 7 percent of applicants eventually admitted to Penn in 2019.

Of course it did, and of course she did, because this is the guy who let his son leverage Dad’s status into a lavishly paid job that he had no qualifications for. It’s the same old crap. Biden is Mister Important and he uses it. It’s smug and sleazy and not as different from the trumpy network as it should be.

In a world of overhyped fake scandals—where everything is the greatest outrage since Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton—this is a nothing-burger. 

I don’t care. I don’t care how it ranks. It’s using privilege in backstage ways to advance oneself and one’s friends and family at the expense of people who don’t have that privilege. It’s corrupt. Yes there are much worse forms of corruption, but that doesn’t make Biden’s okay.

Perhaps Hunter Biden’s daughter would have gotten into Penn on her merits during the regular admission period, but thanks to Grandpa Joe’s intervention, we will never know. In all likelihood, someone else was denied admission to Penn so there would be a slot for Biden’s granddaughter.

And why? Because she’s Biden’s granddaughter. That’s not a good enough reason.

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