Guest post: A fucking angel compared to these goons

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Just such a toxic climate.

However constrained men are by the rules of gender, they’re not subordinated by them in the way women are. It’s like All Lives Matter again.

It’s understandable why transactivists are so desperate to avoid comparisons between TiMs and Rachel Dolezal:

Among other experiences, my interviewees described complaints to and by management, attempts to shut down events, no platforming, disinvitations, intimidation, smears and losing career progression opportunities, including being blocked from jobs.

Others spoke about being physically removed from events, alongside receiving torrents of abuse online that even included incitements to murder. One criminology scholar said her experience was “a continuum of hell”, while a law scholar claimed “the impact has been huge [and] is going to last a long time”. Aware of these potential consequences, and citing feelings of fear, isolation and despair, others had decided to “hide in the shadows”.

because Dolezal is a fucking angel compared to these goons. However misguided and appropriative her actions were, she didn’t terrorize members of the demographic she was trying to insinuate herself into. I don’t think she burned crosses on the lawns of Black people, or hanged them in effigy. She was an idividual “racial tourist,” not a brutal army of occupation, with massive support coming from government, academia, and industry.

“These gender-critical feminists – they are intellectualising [sex and gender], and I think it’s harmful,” she added.

And Judith Butler didn’t intellectualize sex and gender in a way that was harmful? You can draw a much shorter, straighter line between Butler’s work and trans activist violence against women, than you ever could between the writing of feminists and male violence against TiMs.

This remarkable coupling of condemnation and ignorance regarding gender-critical feminism was fairly common among genderist academics. Many readily admitted that they limit their academic engagements, including their reading, to their “echo chambers and bubbles” where, as one journal editor noted, “we all share basically the same perspectives”.

“And we’re all pretty stupid.”

And genderists seek to extend this bubble of ignorance and stupidity to the rest of society. Through their media enablers, they’re trying to put blinders on everyone, preventing us from seeing what we’re not supposed to, because we’re not qualified:

A number of genderist academics recognised that “more nuanced, more honest, self-aware conversations [should] take place” – although strictly among genderists only and in private spaces, since, in public, “you’ve got to be for your team and toe the party line”, one education scholar explained.

It’s an attempt to impose a Trans version of the Official Secrets Act:

Official Secrets Act, the most important statute relating to national security, is designed to prohibit and control access to and the disclosure of sensitive government information; offences cover espionage and leakage of government information.

The illness just got worse.

Ditto. Animal Farm was supposed to be a satire: Nineteen Eighty Four was supposed to be a warning. Genderists are using them as fucking blueprints.

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