Guest post: And who has paid the price?

Originally a comment by Your Name’s not Bruce? on Look back in horror.

Okay, I’ll see your “look back in horror” and raise you “looking on in horror right now. Just off the top of my head here’s what being “uncritical” of gender has resulted in:

Violent male sex offenders being imprisoned with women in what were and should be female only prisons. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men being admitted into what were and should be female only rape and domestic violence services. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men being housed in what were and should be female only hospital wards. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men and boys competing on what were and should be female only sports teams. The women and girls have no say in this and are forced to submit.

Men invading women’s toilet and changing facilities. The women have no say in this and are forced to submit.

The mutilation and sterilization of children whose minds are insufficiently developed to comprehend the import and gravity of the disastrously life-altering path they’ve been encouraged to take.

The erosion of women’s health care through the erasure of the words “woman” and “women” in the name of “inclusion.” There is no comparable erasure of “man” and “men” in health communications which are equivalent to the campaigns from which all references to women have been excised.

The bullying, intimidation, villification and assault of any and all women who dare to oppose any of the above, or who even questions the validity and coherence of trans ideology.

Trans identified males are not women. Never have been, never will be. Don’t go on about how “marginalized” and “victimized” they are, or how they are at much greater risk of being victims of violence or murder than anyone without some hard statistics to back these claims up. The ability of this oh-so-powerless group of helpless snowflakes to force women to submit to their presence in what had once been and should be female only spaces proves that these protestations of victimhood are lies. Just own up to the fact that you’re defending entitled men. Powerful entitled men. Trans activism has been wildly successful in its recruitment of a startlingly broad range of public and private institutions to advance and enforce their completely unreasonable and dangerous demands. (See the above list from off the top of my head, compiled without leaving this page, and without breaking a mental sweat.) And who has paid the price for this imposition of the will of a tiny minority of men? Women and girls. That’s the real horror. Actual harm, actual violence, actual dismissals, silencings and deplatforming. You don’t have to wait for the hypothetical perspective of some imagined, delusional, “inclusive” future to find faux horrors to boggle your mind as you look back. Open your fucking eyes and look at the horrors noted above. Horrors you are promoting. So yeah, I’m “critical” of gender. Why aren’t you?

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