Guest post: The whole message was about choosing reality over fiction

Originally a comment by VanitysFiend on Brave New World had the “feelies.”

@Bjarte Foshaug

Of course the creators of The Matrix both identify as women and supposedly meant the whole movie as a parable for transition in the first place (in case you wonder: the people who think Eddie Izzard is a woman are the ones who have taken the red pill, had their eyes opened, and see the world as it really is. It’s the rest of us who are living a lie).

The character of Switch was originally intended to be one sex in the matrix and a different sex out of the matrix, the result of a coding error by the machines. That’s as good an explanation for transgenderism as any I guess. It’s a side element though that was dropped in the actual movie. It’s bizarre from my perspective because the whole message of the movie was about choosing reality over fiction, even if reality sucks. The traitor among the crew chooses the fiction over reality and it’s not treated as a heroic decision. I doubt the Wachowskis see the Cypher in themselves.

I think the way a lot of people in geek spaces conceive of the authentic self makes them vulnerable to the teachings of the trans movement. If you’re shy, or a bit of a misfit like a lot of geeks are then the “real you” is often the person you wish you were, more confident, more suave, rather than the person most people see you as. If you’re a Walter Mitty type who works a boring job but has an fantastical imaginary life then which you is the real you? To a lot of geeky people the “real you” is the imaginary you, after all it’s who you are on the inside that counts. So transgenderism makes sense on an intuitive level for a lot of geeks imo.

I think authenticity and honesty go hand in hand, but being honest with the world about ones opinions has no bearing on whether ones opinions are objectively true. A gay person who is open about their homosexuality is being honest with themselves and the world, but what about a trans person or an otherkin/therian? No amount of honesty can override raw biology.

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