Homeopathic life coaching

What is a “life coach”?

I’ve suddenly noticed that there are people who go around calling themselves “life coaches,” which seems like quite a presumptuous thing to call oneself. So I consulted Google to confirm what I suspected: it’s a way to charge people for advice without having to get any professional qualifications. Anybody can put up a shingle saying “Life Coach” and charge whatever fees they like.

Some sources consider this an exciting advantage – for the life coaches, that is.

Modern lifestyles are fast paced, highly competitive and come with the added pressure of meeting (often unrealistic) expectations. Many people find it difficult to juggle personal & professional responsibilities and do justice to both. Against this backdrop, a lot of individuals are turning to professionals who can help them navigate life situations and meet their goals, making life coaching the second fastest growing industry, worldwide!  

But it is also one of the most unregulated sectors with no formal guidelines or requirements for specific qualifications, certification or licensing. As things stand, anyone who wants to become a life coach can become one!  

Wait wait wait back up a second. You said “professionals.” You said “Against this backdrop, a lot of individuals are turning to professionals” – but if there are no formal requirements for qualifications then how can the coaches be “professionals”? The reason the professions have high status and are paid well is because they require higher education. Life coaches aren’t professionals then, they’re just randos who call themselves life coaches.

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