Its sanitized depiction of slavery

The Times on the Confederate statue and the pause in its removal:

Hours after workers began removing a towering Confederate memorial from Arlington National Cemetery on Monday, a federal judge issued an order temporarily halting the effort to dismantle one of the country’s most prominent monuments to the Confederacy on public land.

Emphasis mine, for the benefit of people who pretend to be puzzled about why the monument should be removed.

The memorial has been criticized for its sanitized depiction of slavery, and the plan to remove it from the country’s most famous cemetery is part of a militarywide effort to take down Confederate symbols from bases, ships and other facilities. Dozens of Republican lawmakers have opposed removing the memorial.

Why would the military want to take down Confederate symbols? One, because a military needs unity, which becomes more difficult in an environment full of reminders of subordination and injustice. Two, because the creation of the Confederacy was an act of treason, and the military tends to frown on treason. Three, because the military has become a very significant path out of poverty and obscurity for people who don’t have the boost of white ancestry.

On Monday, as the work to remove the monument was getting underway, a federal judge issued a temporary restraining order that had been requested by a group called Defend Arlington.

The group, which is affiliated with an organization called Save Southern Heritage Florida, sued the Defense Department in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia on Sunday…

Save what Southern heritage? The slave-owning one. The enslavement-defending one. The Glorious Cause one. That Southern heritage.

The memorial was the latest such monument to be targeted for removal since the public backlash in 2020 against Confederate statues after the killing of George Floyd. That movement helped push Congress to establish the Naming Commission in 2021 to devise a plan to rid the military of statues and monuments commemorating the Confederacy.

The Defense Department mandated that the Confederate memorial at Arlington National Cemetery be removed by Jan. 1, 2024.

But apparently it’s a very bad thing to devise a plan to rid the military of statues and monuments commemorating the Confederacy. Somebody warn the Defense Department.

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