Needs a fact-checker

The very first words of the Newsweek piece are a lie.

A small subset of conservatives online has expressed outrage at Johns Hopkins University over its non-binary-inclusive definition of “lesbian” in its glossary of LGBTQ+ terms.

The people outraged are far from exclusively “conservatives” and there’s nothing “inclusive” about defining women as non-men – especially when the Johns Hopkins definition of “gay” does not match that insulting (and useless) definition of “lesbian.”

The Baltimore-based university, a major hub of medical research in the U.S., maintains an extensive glossary of definitions for terms relevant to the broad LGBTQ+ community. The definitions are often updated with greater inclusivity in mind, and as the medical establishment’s understanding of gender and sexual identity evolves.

Again, it’s not “greater inclusivity” to exclude and insult half the population. Pious vocabulary can’t disguise the gross offensiveness of this move.

On Monday, the glossary’s current definition of “lesbian” came under attack from right-wing users on social media.

Again – not right-wing. Feminists mostly. This guy – Thomas Kika – is just blatantly lying and Newsweek editors aren’t correcting him. This is Pink News-level crap.

As the university defines the term as “a non-man attracted to non-men,” the users accused it of attempting to “erase” women. They also pointed to the glossary’s listing for “gay man,” which does not use similarly non-binary-inclusive language.

Exactly so. It’s not conservative for women to expect equality in definition.

The flare-up comes amid a broader backlash among conservatives to LGBTQ+ rights and the embrace of queer communities by society. 

Fuck off, Mr Kika. It comes amid Trump’s many crimes, too, but it has nothing to do with them. We are very much pro LG rights; what we oppose are the competing claims to invented rights from trans activists.

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